Michael Edwards


I heard that Peter passed away

I heard it only yesterday

the funeral - when will it be?

I guess we’ll have to wait and see

but if invited I’ll decline

I know he’ll not be there at mine.


  • Author: Michael Edwards (Offline Offline)
  • Published: October 29th, 2018 02:01
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 33
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  • orchidee

    That's a bit much, if he can't be bothered to attend yours! Eh? Doh!
    I shall be there - to sing a dirge. Won't be any different from my usual singing, mind ya!

    • Michael Edwards

      Dirge away Orchi - what will You sing?

      Where did that capital Y' come from - is it one of yours Orchi?

    • Goldfinch60

      My first laugh of the day. Thank you Michael.

    • dusk arising

      I hope they're not going to burn his remains,... just imagine the pollution.

      I shall definately request a hole be dug for me and, clad in a cardboard coffin, i hope to be unceremonially dropped into it. Not a show i would expect much of an audience for.

      • Michael Edwards

        I am allergic to the cold (seriously - cold induced urticaria) so it's the fire for me. Then sprinkle me on the roses - I quite like the idea of being sprinkled.

        • dusk arising

          A rash decision?

          • Michael Edwards

            Aunty Hitstamine thinks so..!

            Actually I asked for a glass coffin but whether the family will agree remains to be seen. Boom boom !!!

            • dusk arising

              Coffins remind me of the terrible aeroplane crash. A single engined Cessna fell out of the sky only to fatally crash in a church graveyard outside of Dublin. Police (the Guarda) have declared a national emergency, - so far they have recovered 46 bodies.

            • Andrew Charles Forrest

              Oh dear!
              Poor old Pedre

              • Michael Edwards

                Mind you if I pop my clogs first and he does come to mine I'll be more than happy to go to his if invited.

                • Andrew Charles Forrest

                  Don\'t hold you breath
                  No Michael... really stop holding your breath

                • orchidee

                  I will sing 'Supercalafraga…... wotsit'. They will think it's gobbledegook.

                • BRIAN & ANGELA

                  MIKE ~ PADDY ~ ALEX attended PETER's FUNERAL and they were a bit embarassed as each of the owed HIM £10 pound and he had no dependents !
                  Mike took two fivers out of His Wallet and solemnly tossed them into the GRAVE !
                  Paddy tossed in TEN EURO assuming the exchange was 1:1
                  ALEX said he was a nice wee Mon so I'll gie Him a 20% interest ! With a smile he wrote out a CHEQUE for £12 and tossed the in the GRAVE.
                  Paddy said that was very generous ALEX ~ I guess he'll be able to cash it En El Banco del Spirito Sancto

                  Thanks MIKE very DROLL poems and jokes about DEATH (the last taboo) are always funny unless one (which we are not) is in the middle of a bereavement ! Don't forget our FUSION on CHRISTMAS ~ Love & Blessings ANGELA & BRIAN 🧡🧡🧡 😎

                  • Michael Edwards

                    Yes there's always that chance that someone will be offended but if avoided everything potentially contentious we would be left with very little. I wonder if Alex cancelled the cheque with the bank as soon as he left the others. Thanks muchly A & B

                  • fuche_bu

                    quid quo pro at its finest.

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