Resurrection Revealings


Tune: Repton

('Dear Lord and Father of mankind')

John Chapter 20 parts


John's Gospel Series (25)

The last line of each verse is repeated.


At Jesus' resurrection

He sure the risen one

He showed to Mary, she did know

Though weeping, then filled with joy so

In Him her faith did grow (x2)


To the disciples He appeared

Though they were scared and feared

'Peace be unto you', He did say

He ever still the Life, Truth, Way

Unto eternal day (x2)


Then to Thomas He did show

While still on earth below

His hands, His feet, His side thus seen

Whence once unto death He had been

Now flourish hearts, lives, green* (x2)


For blessed are they that have not seen

Him, on Him they trust, lean

Not seen Him, yet have believed sure

And they Him worship and adore

For ever, evermore (x2)


* Green is seen as a colour symbolising grace.

  • Author: orchidee (Offline Offline)
  • Published: November 16th, 2018 02:41
  • Comment from author about the poem: A hymn-poem in
  • Category: Spiritual
  • Views: 48
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  • Goldfinch60

    He will return.

    • orchidee

      Thanks Gold.


      Thanks UNCLE STEVE lovely poem to wake up to on Saturday Morning ! Love the HYMN we sang it a lot in School (Girls only !) in London. My DAD thought I would do better academically in a Single Sex School (fewer distractions !) I studied A-Level Chemistry : Biology : Psychology and of course Spanish ! This enabled me to study Physiotherapy. Love your series in Gospel of John my fave BOOK in the NT : my fave in the OT is the Psalms ! For Christians the bodily Resurrection of Jesus and his Ascension into Heaven are vital DOCTRINES in all Denominations : AMEN Consequently JOHN 20 is a key chapter. Thanks for sharing LOVE in the Spirit ANGELA 🧡🧡🧡🧡

      • orchidee

        Thanks Angela. Going to bed in a couple of hours here in UK. More 'tomorrow'!

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