Michael Edwards






I support a small local charity

and each year I help at its annual bazaar.

The proceeds go to an African village

where it places roofs over children’s heads

and provides them with free schooling

and a foundation for their future.


At the end of this year’s bazaar

all the rubbish was collected together

and sitting there among the debris

was a small concrete object

covered in mud and moss and lichen.

No one wanted it or knew what it was.


Being curious I took it home

and some weeks later when cleaning the patio

I aimed the jet washer at it.

Soon a smooth oval top emerged:

the top of a mushroom - and underneath

there was a small door with a sign above  it.



The sign declared the name of the occupant:

Gnome Enid,

and as I carried on washing the dirt away

a window appeared

and  there peering out,

was Gnome Enid smiling back at me.



It’s only a small concrete object

and perhaps it’s a bit tacky

but I’m pleased I saved it from the skip.

I always say hello to Enid when I pass by

and it pleases me to think that her home

is now secure in the garden.



Every day I see Gnome Enid’s face

looking out contentedly

and I’m reminded of the charity

which provides shelter and hope

for those young children

far away in Africa.







  • Author: Michael Edwards (Offline Offline)
  • Published: May 27th, 2019 00:47
  • Comment from author about the poem: I was prompted to write this by one of DA's recent postings. Written more in narrative form it is a true story and the photo shows the little statue cum sculpture which now has pride of place on the patio alongside an antique watering can. Hope you like it
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 28
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  • Goldfinch60

    It is amazing what you can find without really looking, a few weeks ago I passed a charity shop and there in the window was a hippo carved from wood, I did not get it then but said to myself if that hippo is there next week I will buy it. It now sits on a small table in our sitting room. Obviously I wrote a poem and I will publish it on here tomorrow.
    Say hello to Enid for me please.

    • Michael Edwards

      Yes I'll say hello to her and looking forward to the hippo poem - thanks Andy.


      Thanks UNCLE STEVE ~ A smile of contentment on Bank Holiday Morning (7:30 am) and on Monday Evening for ME (Angela)

      Theres NO PLACE LIKE GNOME !
      Those who give a GNOME a HOME
      Are blessed by NATURE for a whole YEAR !

      Blessings & much JOY !
      Angela & Brian 🧡🧡🧡🧡

    • orchidee

      A fine write and gnome M. Yes, a school I went to has a bird-bath in memory of a pupil who passed away.

    • orchidee

      Any Gnome Berles known?!

      • Michael Edwards

        Theres Burl Esque but no gnomeberles.

      • dusk arising

        Hello Enid, peering out to greet us from you mushroom home. How fine your home looks and i see that you have been polishing your step whilst everyone's back is turned. How do you like your new surroundings? It would be nice to sit with you one summers afternoon and hear your tales of life you have witnessed passing by your window.
        Until such time, keep an eye out for squirrels and don't buy anything off the peg lady.

        • Michael Edwards

          Enid says she will do and she's much touched by your comments.

        • Poetic Dan

          .... Just brilliant best things in life are true and what a wonderful spirit you really are. Like a treasure to us all, thank you for such a wonderful sharing of light and laughter in this world.

          • Michael Edwards

            It's my pleasure - I was genuinely surprised when I washed the mud away and found her behind a load of moss.

          • Suresh

            Sometimes it's the inconsequential that stays with us forever - a shell from the beach, a tumbled river stone, etc.

            • Michael Edwards

              Well this little piece will certainly stay with me - I must be putty soft but I am really fond of it.

            • Neville

              Good on ya Michael.. I'm glad you found it too.....

              I'm hoping to get back there later this year............. Neville

              • Michael Edwards

                Thanks Neville - please pass on Enid's best wishes.

                • Neville

                  consider it done

                • Fay Slimm.

                  What an amazing find Mike and now washed behind ears stony Enid will now think of your place as home. - -- -if you learn gnome-speak can we have more from Enid please as she must have many a story.

                  • Michael Edwards

                    Gnome talk - now there's a thought - I'll have a chat with her in the morning.

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