

Now look - don't some people

Take baths or showers?!

Do they know what soap is?

And the state of some public loos?

It's like walking into a nightmare!

And - urgh - some still don't 

Wash their hands after using the loo


But we don't know people's situations

Yet I smelt a smell recently

One of the worst I had ever smelt

Like rotting flesh

I nearly retched

Worse than the sickly-sweet smell

Of some foreign restaurant up the road


Maybe the poor person had some infection or something

But a most unpleasant 'hum' around him

And I don't mean he was singing!


I had to get out of that shop quick

Fido was spared the smell

He had to wait outside

(He's non-existent really. heehee)


Yet could we befriend such?

Only if we had a gas mask on, methinks!

You would have to experience it to know it

I can't send you the smell

But it was an '18+ smell!' Woof!!


I never want to smell such smells again!


  • Author: orchidee (Offline Offline)
  • Published: July 3rd, 2019 02:07
  • Comment from author about the poem: A poem/write of an experience. I won't add a clip, as it may mock the afflicted. I didn't feel well at that pongy time.
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 13
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  • Neville

    I really like it when you deviate my fine olfactory sensitive friend, sure I do... and I aint talkin antiperspirant neither..... Neville

    • orchidee

      Thanks N. Ooh, its OK for some, like you, being all olfactory! (heehee). I thought you said 'Let's All go to the Factory'. These jokes get worse, but it can't be helped. lol.

    • Goldfinch60

      I can understand what you mean but you need to know them to find out why.
      When in my job I had to call at peoples houses regularly there was one house where I knocked on the door and then stepped BACK into the rain before the door opened.

      • orchidee

        Thanks Gold. Now I'm bothered, writing something like this. I mean it in a semi-humorous way, not offensively. No pun intended when I say 'offensive' - re: smells.

      • ANGELA & BRIAN

        Thanks UNCLE STEVE : Angela here : enjoyed your rant about BO ! However I deal with BODIES all day and some acctually smell like unwashed HUMAN BEINGS ! The problem is in the 21st C we are mega hygenic and wash (perhps too often) and spray ourselves with UNHUMAN SMELLS like JASMINE & OLD SPICE ! NATURAL HUMAN ODOURS are considered ANTI-SOCIAL ! Some Ladies even spray their DOGS with Chanell No. 5. In BRIANS Church (Evangelical) they has an Unwashed & Unshaven *King of the Road* turn up about two years ago : he still attend Sunday Mornings & Thrsday Coffee Morning ! Because he acctually smelt like a Human Being and not a Pine Tree nobody wanted to sit with Him for Coffee ! But BRIAN did and acctually talked with HIM about anything & everything and made sure he had a cake to take *home* for his lunch. Brian tells me he now has a flat and smells of Carbolic Soap. We need to be less critical and not judge people by their ODOUR but by their ARDOUR ~ AMEN

        Blessings & JOY to YOU & POOCHY
        Yours ANGELA & BRIAN (in absentia !) 🧡🧡🧡🧡 + 🧡

        • orchidee

          Thanks B&A. Oohh, ardour! In one sense of the word, it starts off Fido barking - who smells like a pine tree! I understand, but you really would have needed a gas mask if the guy turned up in church, or anywhere.
          We have annual Pop Festival here. Some call them 'The great unwashed'. But they're not pongy, and they do wash. Can't blame cleaners - they clean public loos, but some of the general public make them into nightmarish places.
          I shall be a hypocrite (eek). What was it I was writing about James? - though about rich and poor: not to refuse the poor and needy.

        • Michael Edwards

          When detected by the conk
          there's nothing worse than unwashed ponk.
          and though it might be impolitic
          A peg on the nose will do the trick

          • orchidee

            Thanks M. Heehee. Aww, why they suggest I change the name of Fido to Pongo? One asked me 'How does your dog smell?' I said 'Dunno; he has no nose!' I'm off to delete this poem from my 'hymn-book'. Wot - leave it in there, you say?

          • Suresh

            I have become acutely sensitive to smell, and that can cause me to barfffff - pun intended, or cause an attack of asthma.
            So I truly understand the ponginess of your words, indeed

            • orchidee

              Thanks Suresh. Not an unpleasant smell, but I get slightly asthmatic or wheezy with incense. Bad smells make me shudder, as if to shake it out of my system.

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