the Jesus within

dusk arising

suddenly it was there
oh shit what's happening
searing pain inside me like
something was expanding
and tearing inside my chest
aaaaaaahhhhhrrr i cried out
screaming in my head
draw breath no...  too painful
aaaahhhh i want that scream
i cant inhale to scream
even more painful to inhale
i'm panting now
suddenly a hand takes mine
a stranger from another bed
"say this with me" He tells me,
and rhythmically he says
"Jesus, make the pain go AWAY"
I reapeat with him mumbling
"Jesus, make the pain go AWAY"
the pain is terrible
the comfort is amazing
someone is sharing my pain
amazing how this contact lifts
"Jesus, make the pain go AWAY"
never experienced pain like this
"Jesus, make the pain go AWAY"
I'm feebly mumbling the words
and yes, eventually the pain subsides
and i am at peace again.
The man returns to his bed.

That day I met the Jesus
in that kind man's soul.

  • Author: dusk arising (Offline Offline)
  • Published: August 9th, 2019 08:54
  • Comment from author about the poem: Health workers often ask us to rate pain on a scale of one to ten, ten being the most painful. On the day i describe i was somewhere around thirteen on that scale.
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 25
  • User favorite of this poem: Laura🌻.
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  • Neville

    tis a very personal thing pain... but I and everyone who comes to this page will be able to understand where you are coming from.... I kind of enjoyed reading about your discomfort today.... N

    • dusk arising

      I hoped to make the point that there is goodness within us which we can share among us regardless of church type religion. Jesus existed as a wise and good man long before his name was hijacked by christianity. Christianity does not own Jesus and did not invent goodwill.

      There is a Jesus within us all if we let it shine out.

      'Cept for in old rogues like yourself of course.

      • Neville

        .. We shall have to talk one day about the Nag Mahogmi Scrolls .. and the order of the Priory of Sion.... I agree that Jesus the Nazarene lived and walked this earth and belonged to the Asien tribe of Healers... I could go on but..... .... N

      • 2 more comments

      • Andrew Charles Forrest

        almost felt it great write DA

        • dusk arising

          I would not wish that pain upon you Andrew. But i hope the Jesus within someone reaches out to you when you are in need.

        • Fay Slimm.

          That last line says such a lot about the empathy existing in souls like the one who comforted you.......pain as your pen describes must be so very frightening - - yet sharing it with you in that kindest of ways you will be bound to remember - - a personal experience may help others so thanks for sharing this happening D.A.

          • dusk arising

            We are all spiritual beings and susceptible to physical pain. To do what this man did actually took bravery as well as goodwill. He demonstrated admirable qualities, compassion and love in his act and certainly led me to search my thoughts.
            I felt this was a fitting follow on from my piece of yesterday.
            Thank you for your understanding comments.

          • Suresh

            Many will misunderstand your post, and claim it for their beliefs.
            As I understand, such selfless acts are supremely greater than any belief.
            Thnx for sharing

            • dusk arising

              A Very perceptive point you raise there. Jesus of course was a wise and good man. He existed long before the christian church hi-jacked his name and messed around with facts to create their power base. Some may attempt to make such claims as you are aware but there is no religion which can claim it created goodwill to our fellow man. Which is exactly what this good man demonstrated to me.

            • Goldfinch60

              The Spirituality within us can help us all, I am so glad that it helped you d a.

              • dusk arising

                Most certainly it did and i try to carry that spirit thru for others.

              • Michael Edwards

                It is not what you believe in life, it's how you lead your life.
                Great write DA

              • Laura🌻


                Such a great and meaningful write! This personal experience of yours is certainly helping! Thank you for sharing your pen!


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