Some assorted ramblings for today
Here it is - National Book Day (5th March)
I can't tell if this is gonna all rhyme
And whether it'll take a long or a little time
Ahh - rhyming so far.....
Are you bookish?
A book-worm?
Who you calling a worm?
As crops up in some of my poems
And some don't like being called sheep
In my 'Sheep and Shepherd' lines
You got your nose in a book?
What will it be?
Poetry, adventure, factual
Romance, nature, history
Serious, non-sensical
Fiction, non-fiction?
I've got to sort out me metres
And me iambic pentameters
If I knew what they were!
It's educational on 'ere, ya know
Raising the literary standard
Not any old rubbish!
I'll give ya some 'thee's and 'thou's if ya wish
Sometimes it makes poems easier to rhyme
But thou dost not speak in ye olde language
In everyday conversation today
Happy readings all!
Says I and Fido
Woof! He's a dog that can read, ya know
Here' s one of his favourite books in the clip
So whether serious, humorous, whatever genre
Or a load of waffle - enjoy!
What? 'No change there then'
You reply to my poems!
There's always 'The Good Book' too
Bet ya knew I would sneak that in somehow!
"So many books; so little time"
(Frank Zappa)
- Author: orchidee ( Offline)
- Published: March 5th, 2020 02:54
- Comment from author about the poem: A ramble for National Book Day.
- Category: Humor
- Views: 13
Similar to So much music, so little time.
Its good to see that your can still write your other stuff Orchi. It is much missed.
Thanks Gold. Stopped singing - for one day?!
My head hurts as my tiny little brain is trying to process this garbledness. But my face has developed a smile whilst reading your, er, poem!
Thanks Crow. Eek, I hope it's a poem of sorts. Or at least not free advertising, as some so-called poets have popped up with. Did you need a wig, with a recent 'poem' advertising them?
Are you insinuating that I am bald?!!! I'll have you know I have my very own hair piece, er hair! I mean my very own hair!
Free advertising? Hmmm, I shall keep an eye out
It makes poets fume - people sneaking in as 'new poets' just to do their free advertising!
Really? Thats silly. Why not just be honest about it?
Do you read poetry books or only cover versions.
Thanks M.
Orchie, you shold put all your writing into a book!
Thanks Fred.
Love book day! Although every single day is book day! A book should always to hand. Great poem, O!
Thanks Clara.
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