



The moment she stopped ticking

there was a mighty roar

from the empty, angry space she left

   on the wall above our fireplace ..

That was when all time stood still

and I saw things then

for the first time clearly and realised

what an important role

   it was in my life, that she once played ..



  • Author: Neville (Offline Offline)
  • Published: August 13th, 2024 00:09
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 75
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  • Thomas W Case

    Fantastic work, my friend.

    • Neville

      Many thanks

    • Michael Edwards

      Super piece - hope you are keeping well.

      • Neville

        Thank you Michael I am fine .. was thinking about you the other day while dusting my art collection .. hope you are well too sir .. Neville

      • orchidee

        A fine write N.
        KP's like some ticking clock at night - a loud tick, annoying, troublesome, etc!

        • Neville

          I bet you are a bundle of fun in the sack aint ya ..

          • orchidee

            Fido says to me - 'nothing too \'exciting\' now, for you and KP - you\'ll only swoon!\' lol.

          • Doggerel Dave

            I'm unsure if you find that pleasing....or not, Neville.

          • Goldfinch60

            Good words Neville.


            • Neville

              thank you Andy πŸ™‚

            • Cassie58

              The clock will stop ticking for all of us one day. That heart of ours won’t last forever. Make each day count. Have a very happy Tuesday Neville.

              • Neville

                Cheers C I've got the bins to put out to look forward to .. and I've started running slow ... but hey ho πŸ™‚

                • Cassie58

                  You’ve got Bob Dylan to look forward to, you lucky wotsit and you are complaining about a few bins πŸ˜€

                • sorenbarrett

                  We never miss things until they are gone they say. And how could we? What depth runs through this piece. Is it the item or clock, or is it time that is missed? The tangible verses the intangible. This is pulling me down a rabbit hole. I'm going to see if I can climb back out before I go in too deep.

                  • Neville

                    if you could possibly leave a trail of something behind you, I will do my best to come find you when it gets light ......... cheers s .. N

                  • MendedFences27

                    Whoever "she" is she is sorely missed. I guess the end of time can cause one to focus more clearly.
                    Your poem leads us on an appreciation of time and of someone who used to fill that time,
                    The end of a "ticking clock" is great symbolism. Terrific poem. - Phil A.

                    • Neville

                      Thank you so much Phil ..

                    • Dan Williams

                      She once placed? How sad, how well expressed. Very nice.

                      • Neville

                        yes, sadly now long gone .. thank you for helping to keep her memory alive .. Neville

                      • Bobby O

                        Like when future Olympics refer to Simon Biles

                        • Neville

                          Maybe .. they are both wonder women in my book .. πŸŽΆπŸŽ΅πŸŽ΅πŸŽΆπŸ‘

                          • Bobby O


                          • Tom Dylan

                            Nicely done, Neville. A fine write. You really paint that picture of the sound and then the silence when it stops.

                            • Neville

                              many thanks Tom ..

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