All About Hats


You see, my hats have always been
so important to me 
I hang them perfectly on the hat stand 
knowing that they are right here
when I need them
I have an array of choice 
and colour, not yellow though
I'm not fond of yellow 
carefully choosing 
which one to wear
depending on my mood
I never really thought about my hats 
until the day
I was looking back at old photos
it just became increasingly clear
that my hats were present 
when I was most in need of a hug 
when I felt lonely 
or sad 
or alone feeling bad 
my hats were my blanket 
and they still are today
and even though 
I wear them less often now
they are right there 
on my beautiful iron stand 
waiting for the time I put one on
placing it on my head 
for the comfort it provides 
and the warmth that it offers
and of course...
each and every one 
just looks fabulous darling. 
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  • Michael Edwards

    There was a young lady called Teddy
    Who wore a big hat on her heady
    ‘twas tied ‘neath her chin with fine gauze
    And the reason for this was because
    In the wind her big hat was unsteady

    • Teddy.15

      there was a young man called Mike
      Who loved to ride his bike
      He once rode whilst nude
      Not even his shoes
      Could save all the ladies from fright

      Right back at you friend. LoL 🤣

      • Michael Edwards

        There was an old man called Michael
        Who had to use cream antiviral
        But boy did he curse
        when his problem got worse
        Through going out nude on his cycle.

        • Michael Edwards

          There was an old lady called Shirley
          who retired to bed very early
          But she woke up quite sweaty
          And just like spaghetti
          Her hair was all straddled and curly

          • Teddy.15

            There was an old lady called Shirley
            She went to bed very early
            When she awoke
            The springs were all broke
            But he hair was really rather curly lol 😂 oh no Michael what do you do to me? With your Limerick lucky I'm off work lol

            • Goldfinch60

              There was a young lady called Teddy
              Who got up for work to make ready
              But she had to write words
              To humour us poet nurds
              Although they were somewhat thready

              • Teddy.15

                Oi oi savaloy thready? LoL ok then that's a great one

                There was a young lad called andy
                Who was always feeling rather randy
                One day he did trip
                My god what a blip
                Onto a lady called Mandy

                Early morning fun (((((🤗)))))))

              • Doggerel Dave

                A battle of the limericks is there
                Because Teddy is up for the dare;
                But what she hasn’t done though
                Is send a picture to go
                Of all the hats on her stand in her care.

                Come on Teddy - do an artistic arrangement.

                • Teddy.15

                  Thank you Dave, you know I have changed the art, but I'm not sharing my hatstand today it's not my style I like to paint with words. 🌹

                  • Teddy.15

                    Limerick I only ever get inspiration when Michael comes to play Dave. 🌹

                    • Doggerel Dave

                      Diversify, Teddy, diversify - lash out with a few hundred bucks on a Nikon or Cannon and have a whole new career........................

                      Luverly lady.....

                    • sorenbarrett

                      I too have several hats on the wall from fedora to Stetsons of a cowboy type, some in felt, some straw. some corduroy. Seldom wear them though. A most fun write my friend hats off to you.

                      • Teddy.15

                        lol you got good taste friend, flat caps of all colours and materials are my faves, but you know I'm from London, by the way I once jumped off a ship in a giant sombrero, it made my friends laugh because I then used it as a boat 🤣🤣🤣 thank you dearest sorrenbarret 🌹

                      • Thomas W Case

                        I relate. I am always wearing hats. Great work, sweet Teddy.

                        • Teddy.15

                          I can see lol hats off to you dear Thomas. Thank you dear friend. 🌹

                          • Thomas W Case

                            Always welcome.

                          • Cheeky Missy

                            Well, well, well, if your limerick parrying wasn't a fun distraction, I don't know what it was, but I certainly loved THIS.

                            • Teddy.15

                              lol hello Cheeky Missy welcome to my page, thank you for passing by, I can't help but get a bit creative with Michael's Limerick parties, he just is so clever, glad you have enjoyed it all. 🌹

                            • Goldfinch60

                              My wife Joyce could never find a hat to suit her, her best friend was going to fix this so she took Joyce out to find her a hat and came back exhausted as she said she just could not find a hat that suited her!


                              • Teddy.15

                                lol that's a very beautiful thing to know, thank you. 🌹 They probably look gorgeous on me because you cannot see me 🤣

                                • Goldfinch60

                                  Only in my minds eye Teddy. 🌹🌹🌹

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