When Everything Glows but Me



I can't believe I'm sitting

writing yet another poetry installment 

about my utter feelings of loss

I'm completely in the dark 

the dark within myself 

I don't know how to crack open my shell

I don't know if I will ever really find myself?

this time it's different 

It's not about the grief I hold for others 


this grief is for me 

and I don't know...

If I will ever see the light? 

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  • Cheeky Missy

    Stop digging down. If you won't brew and sip a heartening cuppa tea, then pull an espresso or brew a cup from your moka pot. It's easier than you realize. You will find yourself when you stop looking. Look up. Listen. It's all around you.
    I love this beautiful tribute to dredging the depths of one's soul in search for what is either not there or else remains invisible until the candle splashes light on it. I love the aching poignancy and details. Thank you very much for sharing.

    • Teddy.15

      Thank you so much Cheeky Missy for this gorgeous review. You read it beautifully ❤️ 🌹

      • Cheeky Missy

        You're too nice. My pleasure!

      • Cassie58

        Lost in yourself dear Teddy. In the depths of soul searching. When you get that far down, the only way is up. Keep searching for the light. Beautiful poetry dear poet. 🌹

        • Teddy.15

          Awe thank you my dear Cassie, I hope your eyes are fabulous now. Biggest of hugs to you my dear friend. 🌹

          • Cassie58

            My left eye is good. Thank you Teddy. Now I have to get my right eye done ! After my holiday, I think.

          • Tony36

            Awesome write

            • Teddy.15

              Thank you so much dear Tony36 🌹

              • Tony36

                You're welcome Teddy

              • sorenbarrett

                To find anything in the dark is difficult. If you are lucky enough to step on it or trip over it you may but otherwise you need light,. I hope you crack that shell and find the light.

                • Teddy.15

                  Thank you dearest sorrenbarret 🌹

                • Accidental Poet

                  The light you seek is within your own heart Teddy. Healing is never easy and fast. We heal in the knowing that those that have gone will always be remembered in our hearts. It's their light we see that heals us. 🌹

                  • Teddy.15

                    Thank you for these beautiful words dearest A.P 🌹

                    • Accidental Poet


                    • Goldfinch60

                      I am sure that light is there in your life Teddy, I will give you a match to light that candle:


                      • Teddy.15

                        Thank you dear Andy, now the BBQ ban is finished I would appreciate that. 🌹

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