~> Nay, I Shan't Share! ( Sonnet-Dedication )

Thad Wilk

Harken dude, all this grain and seed 'tis mine.

I'll kick thine ass believe these words spoken.

Nay I shan't share an' that's the bottom line.

Desist or thine beak it shall be broken!


What part of "nay" dost thou not understand?

How dar'st thee bitch try to stealeth mine food?

From this spot e'er more thine butt shall be banned.

These treats art all mine and thee I exclude.


Thou hast gobbled mine food for the last time.

The sage's an' thinkers they would'st agree.

To "munch out" in this spots surely a crime.

Begone, I shan't be fook'd no more by thee!


Next time thou get hungry thou better heed;

if thee land o're here, a casket thy'll need~





  • Author: Thad Wilk (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: September 23rd, 2024 10:05
  • Comment from author about the poem: This Shakespearean Sonnet 'tis in honor of Cheeky Missy, who as we all know,, loves Sonnets!
  • Category: Humor
  • Views: 11
  • Users favorite of this poem: Cheeky Missy
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  • Cheeky Missy

    I've watched the robins rout the sparrows and all the other friendly fowl in my vicinity as if it was acceptable, and we've been technically at war ever since, and that's been for a decade by now. Watched hummingbirds quarrel over their 4-server feeder until none could enjoy it, and now you post this hilarious image with a sonnet to accompany it and I wish I could have it in hand, I love and cherish it so much!!!!
    How delightfully rendered to effect with superb language and a subtly tasteful poignancy. This is too perfect! Me LOVES! Thank you VERY much, Thad.

    • Thad Wilk

      Hii Missy!! 🌺 πŸ¦‹
      Thank you for
      stopping by my way! 😊
      And I'm glad you
      got a kick, 🦡
      out of
      my Sonnet today!! πŸ˜‚
      Keep a smiling poetess!! πŸ‘‹
      Best wishes πŸ€— 🌹 😘 Thad

    • Doggerel Dave

      G’day Thad
      Thou can’st see what property can’st do,
      Apart from theft, it’s lotsa hard work too.
      Must be great living a life free as a bird -
      But ownership turns Dicky into a turd.

      There you go - aggro and violence trumps love; sad old world ain’t it?

      • Thad Wilk

        Hii ya Dave!! πŸΆπŸ•πŸ‘‹
        Thank you!! 😊
        And thanks for your
        rhyming comment too!! πŸ™
        Yup, sad ole world it be! 😒
        Great hearing from
        you my friend!! πŸ‘
        Best regards ✌️ Thad

      • Tony36

        Excellent write Thad

        • Thad Wilk

          Hii ya Tony,!! πŸ‘‹ β˜•
          Thanks, always appreciate
          your inspiring words!! ✨
          Keep smiling! 😁
          Best regards ✌️ Thad

          • Tony36

            You're welcome, best regards Thad

          • Goldfinch60

            Good fun sonnet Thad.


            • Thad Wilk

              Howdy Andy!! πŸ‘‹
              Thank you for your
              inspiring words my friend!! πŸ‘
              Best regards ✌️ Thad

            • Cassie58

              Hello Thad, thanks for the sunshine on a wet morning. A sonnet with a difference lol. So well penned too. You sure have an excellent command of language through the ages. Love your brand of humour. Keep making me laugh. Have yourself a great day poet of versatility πŸ™‚β˜€οΈ

              • Thad Wilk

                Good mornin\' Cassie!! 🌞😻
                Thank you so much!
                I was in a silly mood again,
                sometimes I feel like a nut, πŸ₯œ
                sometimes I don\'t! 😊
                Nice hearing from you poetess!!
                Keep a smiling!! ☺️
                Best wishes☘️ πŸ€— 🐦 🌹Thad

              • sorenbarrett

                Greed is not exclusively a human trait but it is the foundation of capitalism maybe birds are capitalists. A fun read Thad

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