Little bird


In the ebullience of childhood I stole a fledgling from its nest
Fed it from my plate and held it close to my breast
Gave it my favorite dainties, ice cream and cherry pie
Nothing it did eat, I didn’t know why
A small bundle of feathers that I held dear
Out of fear I clipped its wings to keep it near
Without its own kind it did not sing
Caged, now dependent on what I bring
Once captured by youth’s selfish crime
Now held enslaved by chains of time

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Comments +


  • arqios

    Now that’s so sad. As a child I’da thought otherwise. Had a green thumb though, for the longest time. Birthed the sow at the farm. But couldn’t keep an aviary alive.

    • sorenbarrett

      Thank you Cryptic. As a child, I received the BB gun for Christmas. Not long after I shot and killed the sparrow. After seeing the small body and knowing that I had no use for it I felt so bad that I never shot another living thing. Thank you so much for the read, and the most kind comment

      • arqios

        Indelible experience, that. Wow. Glad you came out of it fine.

      • David Wakeling

        This is a powerful work.I love the rhyme.It is debatable whether a bird should be caged or set free. Well done

        • sorenbarrett

          Thank you so much, David. Your kind words of support mean a great deal And give fuel for further writing

        • RSM0812

          It reminds me of men were born in chains. Like nature is to man, and man is to himself. The ending is a classic like some of your works should be.

          • sorenbarrett

            Thank you so much for your comments and gracious encouragement. It is welcome and highly appreciated.

          • Tristan Robert Lange

            A very sad and thought-provoking poem. With the literal interpretation aside, this poem makes for a fine metaphor on how we can end up treating human beings as well. A well-written, simple...yet profound...poem that works on multiple levels. 🌹👏

            • sorenbarrett

              I’m glad that you saw the metaphor in this. Most all of my poems are metaphor with very few exceptions. I appreciate your support.

            • Tony36

              Powerful write

              • sorenbarrett

                Thank you so much, Tony. It means a great deal.

                • Tony36

                  You're welcome

                • Neville

                  this is, in its entirety and also contains an important moralistic message .. so, despite it reading like a nursery crime you are henceforth forgived ..

                  • sorenbarrett

                    Nursery crimes I have committed plenty and still do. Thanks Neville for the read and kind words and forgiveness.

                  • Doggerel Dave

                    Now a memory, but a permanent part of you. Had a budgie in a cage as a kid..... Short but to the point. Thanks Soren.

                    • sorenbarrett

                      Thanks, Dave. Yes, I had many pets as a child and didn’t always treat them the best I could I suppose as an adult I’ve had pets as well. Try to treat them better but I guess no one asked them how they felt. As far as people have treated some of those like pets as well.

                      • Doggerel Dave

                        Well, I suppose historically it wasn't so long ago that people refused to believe that animals had consciousness....

                        • sorenbarrett

                          Some still do

                          • Doggerel Dave

                            Some people's lack of awareness, intelligence just beggars belief....don't get me started.....

                          • Bobby O

                            I liked this one. I’m still thinking about it. When should we have known better !?
                            Rhetorical Q. You’re off the hook so now I’m thinking if I had a nickel for each grasshopper I let fir in a jar.

                            • sorenbarrett

                              I hear you, Bobby and if I had only a penny for all the times I treated people as pets. Thanks so much for the read.

                            • Thad Wilk

                              A very touching poem,
                              thoughts and message penned!! 👍
                              Great rhyme AND flows
                              like a gentle stream,
                              much enjoyed my friend,!! 😊
                              Best regards ✌️ Thad

                              • sorenbarrett

                                Thank you, Thad. Your word serve is great support and fuel the desire to write further thank you so much.

                              • rebellion_in_sanity

                                Perhaps I am way off, but I kept thinking of life in gilded cage. Very powerful and introspective poem.

                                • sorenbarrett

                                  Not off at all most all of my poems contain a metaphor and that serves as well as any other for this one thank you so much for reading it and for your comment, it is most appreciated and valued support

                                • Mutley Ravishes

                                  I remember killing ants for "fun" as a kid. And smashing their nests up in woodlands.
                                  When I grew up, I remember someone telling me about the "rush" of doing evil.
                                  Great write, Soren.

                                  • sorenbarrett

                                    Thank you so much for reading this poem. I appreciate your Support.

                                  • Goldfinch60

                                    This can happen to many animals and humans soren through no fault of their own.


                                    • sorenbarrett

                                      Thank you, Andy that is so true. I appreciate your reading and comment. Have a wonderful day.

                                    • Cassie58

                                      Children can be cruel simply because they haven’t been taught compassion. Reminds me of animals kept in zoos and canaries in cages. Both touching and sad Soren.

                                      • sorenbarrett

                                        Thank you so much Cassie for your review and most generous and kind comments. They are deeply appreciated.

                                      • Dan Williams

                                        soren, this is just beautiful. Well-meaning intent railroaded by reality but so eloquently put. Bravo.

                                        • sorenbarrett

                                          Thank you, Dan for reading this and for your most kind and generous comment. It is most appreciated.

                                        • Teddy.15

                                          Such an honest look at life and also as a child, most innocent yet painfully stuck within the soul, I saw a boy throw a stone at a seagull once and it died, I'm not sure he was ever remorseful. ❤️

                                          • sorenbarrett

                                            Thank you so much Teddy for the review of this poem. It is deeply appreciated and cherished.

                                          • NafisaSB

                                            so beautiful, and so true.. freedom is so essential in life

                                            • sorenbarrett

                                              Thank you so much for your review and understanding comment of this poem. Your support is most valued.

                                              • NafisaSB

                                                always welcome.

                                              • sheta

                                                ever so beautiful !!!!!!

                                                • sorenbarrett

                                                  Thank you ever so much. Your words are appreciated

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