Words of the prophets


Wisdom spoken from mouths insane
Sacred words flow from tongues profane
Prophecy scrawled on bathroom walls
Holy men teach the gutter's calls

Knowledge sprouts from garbage heaps
Healing out of moldy bread creeps
Spider excretions stop bleeding
Feces give strength after seeding

Germs flavor fragrant cheese
Iron health forged in a crucible of disease
Salvation's silk from a cocoon
in woven words of a drunken buffoon

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Comments +


  • Teddy.15

    Such truth and irony in here it's amazing to see how religion can bring one to their own life of slavery. There is extreme power in this dearest sorrenbarret 🌹

    • sorenbarrett

      Thanks so much Teddy for the kind words. When I wrote this I was not discriminating only against religious prophets but commercial, media, political and technological ones as well. I appreciate so much your reads and support

    • Lorenz

      Poetry is a dagger to tear the soul apart !
      Very pleasant words in a blood and stripes fashion !

      • sorenbarrett

        Thanks so much Lorenz you support is deeply appreciated. Poetry can tear apart and mend but this one is more of the tearing kind.

      • arqios

        Poets often fall under the category of drunken buffoons… and I don’t know whether that’s a good or a bad thing, but it is a thing… possibly worth considering.

        • sorenbarrett

          Don't get drunk that often but then don't write a good poem that often either. I do find that inspiration often comes with a drunken state. Thanks for the read and comment it is as always most appreciated.

          • arqios

            Yes agreed! Drunk on the word, an articulative high!

          • Bobby O

            So many phrases delicately woven. I’m still unraveling the drunken buffoon ending?

            • sorenbarrett

              Thank you for reading Bobby. Words of inspiration often come from an altered state.

              • Bobby O

                Ok, I get it now

              • Tony36


                • sorenbarrett

                  Thanks so much Tony

                  • Tony36

                    You're welcome

                  • orchidee

                    Nice disgusting food ideas for KP there, though she calls me that drunken buffoon! lol.
                    Good write there SB. I shaid - goodsh writesh there. I've hadsh a few. Oops!

                    • sorenbarrett

                      Thanks Orchi I'll soon be putting out a breakfast and lunch menu as well

                      • sorenbarrett

                      • Tristan Robert Lange

                        Ah yes...prophets. You know when they are true...or do you? Deceptive people tend to seem the most likable and then they hook you. Truth be told, whether it is in religion or in secular society, the real prophets are the ones in the streets calling FOUL agains injustice and getting stoned by the mob for going against the status quo. The ones filling the world with their hot air from comfortable chairs and cushy cars of commercial, Capitalistic prosperity and political poppycockery,...as well as those who think they are holier than thou as they ignore the religious texts they claim to follow...they're the prophets of this poem! This, my friend, is a masterful poem with a bird's eye view on deception. Well done! 🌹👏

                        • sorenbarrett

                          Thank you so much Tristan for the read and perceptive view of its meaning. It is most appreciated

                          • Tristan Robert Lange

                            You are welcome, my friend!

                          • rin

                            I really like this poem. I can see your image lurking in the depths of your words.

                            • sorenbarrett

                              Thanks so much Rin for the read and comment. Glad you liked it.

                            • Neville

                              I thought this was about the discovery of penicillin until it dawned on me it wasn't at all, but maybe about some kind of zealot or zealots .. like in lots of them .. perchance .. made me wonder deeply regardless .. Neville

                              • sorenbarrett

                                Thanks Neville a poem just like a prophesy can be taken many ways after it is written, some see it as good others bad. It may apply in some situations or times not at others. I appreciate the read and comment

                              • Jerry Reynolds

                                A fine write, Soren.

                                • sorenbarrett

                                  Thank you Jerry your read is most appreciated

                                • David Wakeling

                                  Out of the dust emerges the truth.This is a sad and powerful poem.Enjoyable read

                                  • sorenbarrett

                                    Thanks so much David its appreciated

                                  • Thad Wilk

                                    A powerful and
                                    poignant poem
                                    and point of view!!👍
                                    Can't trust some
                                    news articles
                                    half are untrue! 😲
                                    Great read thank you!! 💯
                                    Best regards ✌️ Thad

                                    • sorenbarrett

                                      Thanks Thad I do appreciate the read and comment

                                    • rebellion_in_sanity

                                      Powerful and thought provoking - absolutely loved it

                                      • sorenbarrett

                                        Thanks Rebellion your comment is most valued as always

                                      • Dan Williams

                                        I love how this makes me cringe with gospel truth. Should be "words from a prophet".

                                        • sorenbarrett

                                          Thanks so much Dan your kind words are cherished.

                                        • Goldfinch60

                                          Wise words can come from some very surprising places soren.


                                          • sorenbarrett

                                            In deed they do Andy and so the saying "out of the mouths of babes..." I appreciate the read and comment

                                          • RSM0812

                                            Another great write.

                                            • sorenbarrett

                                              Excuse the late response I somehow overlooked this review but it is no less appreciated and valued. Thank you so much and please accept my apologies

                                            • vicecream

                                              Loooove this one

                                            • NafisaSB

                                              it is true that lots of prophecy, dark humor, profound or obscene messages are to be found on the walls of public toilets - some are good as written in a state when the truth spouts forth without control, while some best left unread

                                              • sorenbarrett

                                                Any place unexpected is a good source for wisdom if one only looks. Thank you so much for the read and comment the support is greatly appreciated

                                                • NafisaSB

                                                  i am filled with awe when going through the poems on this site - the most unlikeliest of places/items/images give rise to lovely verse.
                                                  wishing more power to your pen, and ideas

                                                • DLewis88

                                                  It's wonderful

                                                  • sorenbarrett

                                                    Thank you so much for looking at this older piece your words are most appreciated

                                                    • DLewis88

                                                      You're welcome.

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