CARDINAL ~ State Bird of seven US States

AMERICANS  love the Cardinal because of it color 

RED ~ Like a Cardinal's cape. Vibrant in males  

DULLER  in the females ~ who lay 3 cluches of eggs ! 

INDIANA ~ Illinois ~ Kentucky ~ Ohio and

NORTH CAROLINA ~ Virginia and West Virginia

ALL  chose the CARDINAL as their STATE BIRD

LOOK at one close up ~ you will understand WHY !


Thanks for visiting ~ comments welcome ~ Love BRIAN XOX




This poem is presented as a blank verse  ACROSTIC ~ OK

  • Author: BRIANSODES (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: April 4th, 2017 06:12
  • Comment from author about the poem: The NORTHERN CARDINAL is one of the USA's favorite bird and has been adopted as their State Brid by seven States (see poem). It is common in the Eastern States of the USA from Maine to Texas. It is a songbird 9 inches long and a wing span of 11 inches. It ha a cone shaped beak an 90% of its diet is seeds. They mate for life and can live up to 15 years in the wild. The male collects the material for the nest and the female builds it ! It is now illegal to keep them as cage birds. The photo shows how elegant ~ in its red & black plumage ~ the Male Cardinal really is ! Comments welcome ~ Love to All ~ BRIAN XOX
  • Category: Nature
  • Views: 161
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  • Tony36

    Well written tribute to a truly lovely bird


      Thanks TONY ~ God created all Birds Lovely ~ but some are more lovely than others ! BRIAN ! Please add a verse to my BIRD FUSION ~ Thanks B.

      • Tony36

        Welcome, Will do

      • willyweed

        I have cardinals all over the place here, P.S the only real fans are N.Y. Yankee fans WW lol.

        • BRIAN & ANGELA

          Thanks WILLY ~ a great BIRD ! I can seen AMERICAN Sports fans are just as mad as the BRITS ! Please add a verse to my BIRD FUSION ~ thanks ~ BRIAN

        • Christina8

          Oh you wrote about my absolute favorite bird!!! How lovely! Wonderful acrostic! Great job!! Hugs--CHristina

          • BRIAN & ANGELA

            Thanks CHRIS ~ All my poems are written with you in mind ! Big Bird Hugs for you too ~ BRIAN !

          • Goldfinch60

            Good write, don't see them in the UK.

            • BRIAN & ANGELA

              Thanks BROTHER ~ that is true. But seeing them (and Blue Jays) in their natural habitat in the USA is a great blessing ~ Yours BRIAN

            • orchidee

              A fine write and fine bird!

              • BRIAN & ANGELA

                Thanks "O" pleased you enjoyed both ! BRIAN

              • Fay Slimm.

                Such a magnificent colour shouts from the feathers of cardinal birds - we have nothing to match it here in the U.K. for vivid and very elegant coating. No wonder the states voted this wonder in as their own State Songster.

                • BRIAN & ANGELA

                  THANKS FAY ~ Yes indeed it is a magnificent sight in the wild ! However when I travel abroad I never really experience the density of birds we get in our gardens and parks in the UK. They may be a bit drab but there is plenty of variety and twitching is a growing hobby ! Yours B.

                • Michael Edwards

                  After Fays daffs now this beauty - a colourful day - great acrostic.

                  • BRIAN & ANGELA

                    MICHAEL ~ Our intention on MPS is to lift people's spirits as you do with your daily symbiosis of Poetry & Painting. Taken all round MPS is a fabulous Poetry site ~ Thanks BRIAN

                    • Michael Edwards

                      Brian - I do so concureth - tis a site of great joyloads.

                    • Jooles

                      I love the way you write...there is a free quality to it I cant master. Brill

                      • BRIAN & ANGELA

                        Thanks JOOLES ~ that is very kind of you. I studied Poetry & English Literature at School so we were tutored in the structure of Classical Poetry (Sonnets etc) and encouraged to write our own poetry. As in all things in life ~ practice perfects ~ Yours BRIAN

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