Michael Edwards





Mother said: ‘You must wash your hands my dear’.

Son said: ‘Of course, is it that time of year?’


A friends funeral

I went to it yesterday

He’ll not go to mine.


In the trash mail that littered our mail box today

A political leaflet- and what did it say?

‘’Help stamp out litter – we’ll show you the way! ‘’




Michael Edwards © April 2017


  • Author: Michael Edwards (Offline Offline)
  • Published: April 11th, 2017 00:02
  • Comment from author about the poem: Bit of fun for today plus a watercolour with a roundabout in it - a regular feature in the UK.
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 53
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  • Goldfinch60

    Good fun write, the one about the litter really resonates.

    The pub on the corner looks like it may serve a good pint.

    • Michael Edwards

      I believe it does but a bit spit and sawdust or so I'm told.

    • Garry

      Absolutely love the second one. Wish I'd written it. Didn't realise you could be so wicked. Excellent, keep it up.

      • Michael Edwards

        We ? Wicked ? Thanks for looking in Garry

        • Garry

          Verses like that make looking in well worth it.

        • Fay Slimm.

          Another smile raised by your valued sayings dear Michael and as for the watercolour - -- wow so real I felt I was there

          • Michael Edwards

            Thanks Fay - turning to my effeminate side and painting flowers this afternoon.

          • P.H.Rose

            Brilliant love them
            Michael, the litter one
            Made me chuckle
            I don't know if you've
            Read my poem
            " mysterious brown mail "
            It was a bit of humour aimed
            At the ridiculous amount of
            Junk mail we get.. all adds
            To the litter problem. If you
            Haven't read it, please if you
            Find 5 mins read it and let
            Me know what you think..

          • Michael Edwards

            Thanks PH - I'll go to it straight away.

          • WriteBeLight

            Great fun Michael!

          • willyweed

            Good work Michael all very relevant and the painting is just great they are starting to use those round a bouts here I hate them.

            • Michael Edwards

              Ah then that's something new - I have never come across them when I've been in States. Once you are used to them they are actually quite good regarding maintaining traffic flow.

              • willyweed

                yes I am sure you're right, just the getting used to part?

              • lovelydarkanddeep

                I loved the last one! Nice write Michael. love, Izzy

              • Tony36

                Great write, all three made me smile

                • Michael Edwards

                  I do like a bit of frivolous - glad you liked them.

                  • Tony36


                  • BRIAN & ANGELA

                    Thanks MICHAEL ~ Love the smiles to balance some of the very sad poems we get on MPS ! Love the painting and the mini~roundabouts (like a dinner plate in the road) also cause me to smile. If I'm feeling frivolous I sometimes I drive right over them ! Yours BRIAN

                    • Michael Edwards

                      Thanks Brian - same as you - I get a perverted sense of pleasure driving across them.

                    • MendedFences27

                      Great fun. I'm inclined toward number three, trash mail Why worry about disposal of trash, why not prevent its generation? There you go, and don't get me started on roundabouts, we call them rotaries. You take your life in your hands getting around one. - Phil A.

                      • Michael Edwards

                        Thanks Phil - they are part of life here in the UK and we are so used to them we think nothing about them - so you call them rotaries?

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