For The Victims


If there’s one thing,

I could do, if I may,

Is offer my condolences,

To some on Mother’s Day.


Because not all,

Of this day, are happy.

All roses and sunshine,

Sticky sweet and sappy.


Instead, we feel,

For us, should be a day.

Somehow we survived,

The abuse, got away.


We were subjected to,

Our Mother’s wrath.

Stayed out of her way,

Never crossed her path.


Because if we did,

There’d be Hell to pay.

That’s why we want nothing,

To do with Mother’s Day.


I’m happy for those,

Who felt a Mom’s love.

With kisses and hugs,

Were held high above.


A Mom, when she looked,

At her child with pride.

No, not a Monster,

From whom you should hide.


For if you were found,

The beatings began.

With a belt or a paddle,

Or the back of her hand.


So, forgive me, but I,

Want to acknowledge those,

Who’d rather give their Mom,

The thorns from a rose.


And, for those kids,

Who didn’t escape,

I know they found love,

When they crossed Heaven’s Gate.

  • Author: WriteBeLight (Offline Offline)
  • Published: May 13th, 2017 05:42
  • Comment from author about the poem: Not everyone looks forward to Mother's Day. This is for those children, of all ages.
  • Category: Family
  • Views: 102
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    Thanks for sharing HONEY ~ and reminding us that even Mothers can be MONSTERS ! Their victims are often their own precious daughters. I worked in a YMCA FOYER (Rescue Centre for 16 - 25's) The worst cases ~ in my experience were Young Ladies who had be "abused" by their Mothers and needed a safe refuge ~ AMEN. Hugs ~ BRIAN

    • WriteBeLight

      So good of you to work to help them Dear Brian. I am very sure they are so much better for having been touched by your care. It is sad, that someone a child loves unconditionally can be their abuser. For my part, I broke that chain. My children are extremely happy and healthy young adults, with which I have excellent relationships. So thanks again for sharing your story and all of your wonderful work! Happy Mothers Day to you and your Mom!

    • Gary Edward Geraci

      The challenge is to see even the "monster mothers" of our day as people worth our patience, compassion and prayers. Could it be they themselves were the victims of abuse? How else are we to break these chains? By no means am I implying that this easy...Your poem succeeds because it enlightens; getting us to talk about the reality of abuse and broken relationships.

      • WriteBeLight

        Thank you Gary Edward. I agree about compassion and understanding and to break the chain and not subject one\'s children to that horrible treatment. However, most of the scars are so deep and it is hard to put yourself in their shoes. Nonetheless, we can forgive but not forget and to carry on with compassion and understanding and not to emulate bad behavior by parents. Thanks so very much, again, for your comment! I very much appreciate it. And, thanks again for your insight OUTBACK.

      • orchidee

        A fine write. There's also the missing of 'good' mothers (and fathers) who have passed on.

        • WriteBeLight

          Yes. Thanks for the comment orchidee. This can be a tough day for many who no longer have their parents near.

          • orchidee

            You having Mothers Day now, WBL? In the UK it's always the third Sunday before Easter.

          • 2 more comments

          • Michael Edwards

            It was Mothers day in the UK some weeks ago but otherwise it's the same here too - I just can't understand it how cruel and heartless some can be = almost beyond comprehension. At the other end of the spectrum I run painting sessions over a week in the summerwhich we call Holidays At Home which is for the elderly and infirm who can't or can't afford to go away for their holidays - these also need our support. This is such a poignant poem WBL and read it with sorrow.

            • WriteBeLight

              Thank you Michael and good for you for taking the time to help others with your very special gift. Mothers and fathers have the most important role in a child's life. I agree with the point of view that you have to pass many tests before you can have children. But, people today take that for granted and do not provide the attention children require. It is a very difficult and rewarding job. Again, good for you Michael and thanks for your comment.

            • swingline

              I see it's a touchy topic to many as everyone has/had a mother at one time . There are good mothers and bad mothers and no mothers at all . Bit in some way they have influenced us all .

              • WriteBeLight

                I agree swingline. I highly respect Mothers and Fathers who realize how fortunate they are to have wonderful children. 🙂

              • Goldfinch60

                Very good write and so true, there are bad mothers out there but most are very good and loving.

                • WriteBeLight

                  Thank goodness for that Goldfinch! I know that I am one of the good and loving mothers! Expecting a great day today visiting with my kids! Thanks for your comment!

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