Bless these innocent souls
We cannot relate to,
Exiled to a world they
Cannot be part of ...
Sentenced at birth
Without cause or trial,
Doomed to a life of
Virtual imprisonment.
Subjected to pain
Of insidious nature
By constant assault of
Their body's own senses,
How could it be cause
Just knowing a world
Outside that if ours for
Such a cruel sentence?
What is this strange realm
That they inhabit ...
Intriguing to us, for
From their ranks come
Gifts of pure genius that
Should earn one parole?
Yet these guiltless condemned
Will never know freedom.
For these so imprisoned
There is no escape,
Nor will some know,
In their solitary world,
The simple joy
Of human connection.
These souls are prisoners
Of the autism spectrum.
Louis Gibbs (
- Published: June 23rd, 2017 08:28
- Comment from author about the poem: Autism is a subject near and dear to my heart, as I have spent my life with undiagnosed (until recently) Asperger's Syndrome ... 'High Functioning Autism.' I've always known that I was somehow 'different', but didn't understand why. Asperger's often carries with it the same symptoms and traits as autism, including hypersensitivity of all the physical senses ... which can present as painful, shattering, sensory overload at worst, or simply extreme discomfort at best ... as well as deficiency in social filters. Some of our most famous and creative people have shared this condition, (Google it). There has been no cure found to date.
- Category: Unclassified
- Views: 52
Very cool
Thank you for appreciating it, Grant
Brilliant love this....
Thank you so much for this wonderful comment, P.H..
And still there is so much to learn about autism - I have a family member who is very badly affected and I just look forward to the day when it will be more understood and society is more tolerant.
It is a cruel affliction which many must live with until a cure is found. Thank you so much for your comment and your understanding, Michael.
Thank you for this poem with a porpoise. Great writing.
Your lovely comment is much appreciated, malubotelho! Very kind.
Always welcome.
I have so many friends with children all over the spectrum. They're a light and a joy!
Indeed they are, and a wide spectrum it is with many manifestations. It is a difficult road they travel, and my heart goes out to them all.
Thank you for sharing this with us, Grant. I can imagine that it has not been easy. But now a door has been opened to your "solitary world". Through your wonderful poems you do connect to all your readers.
What a truly gracious comment, Fred! I can't thank you enough. You have confirmed the decision to share my world.
Very good write. Those with autism can surprise us with what they can sometimes achieve.
You are so right. Many attributed with Asperger's have been creative geniuses, such as Mozart, Einstein, and other names known to all. Thanks for your input!
Thanks you LOUIS for a very beautiful ~ yet poignant ~ poem about the "mental imprisonment" of those born in the "autism spectrum". We have "Specific Needs" students at College ~ some with "Autism" and some with "Aspergers" the Staff and students are very understanding and give them lots of TLC ~ they are gifted in the visual & performing arts and other creative areas. My poem today is about the fact that GOD knows and understands each of us ! Society is made up of a wide spectrum of people ~ each of us have SPECIFIC GIFTS and SPECIFIC NEEDS which enrich Society and generate Love & Understanding. My Maternal Grandfather was Blind which gave me an early understanding and appreciation of all (so called) disabilities. I was a Governor of a main-stream Comprehensive School (11 - 16) and we have many pupils who are "statemented" with a range of "specific needs". Some of our pupils are registered as "Downs Syndrome" and they give the School a lot more "Love & Joy" that we could ever give them. In the UK there is a big emphasis of "inclusion" for Children & Adults (with Specific Needs) in the Community. Thanks for caring & sharing ~ BRIAN
Thank you for your understanding and appreciation of those specially challenged children and young adults, Briansodes. Some of them are quite amazing in what they are capable of accomplishing, aren't they!
Yow wrote it perfectly.
Thank you, dear Renzi! I suspect that you can relate.
Written from the heart! Bitter sweet!
Indeed it was, and your appreciation touches me, Sue!
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