My Small Silent Child



Let me hear the beauty in your scream

Let me hear the way your voice could form

Fill the deafening silence in this room

Cry just once

So I know you’re tiny lungs work

Wiggle your toes

Wave your arms

Let me hear your heart beat

Oh so calm

Scream and cry

For hours on end

So I know you’re here

So I know your veins bleed

Please cry

This can’t be the fate of the dice

Don’t let it be this way

The doctors can’t speak those words

Make yourself be heard

Prove them all wrong

Breath in this world

My small silent child

Please don’t leave me alone

While I cage your tiny breathless body in my arms

I’ll keep your warm

You’ll be safe with me

Just please don’t leave me my small child

Don’t let this be



















  • Author: ShannonXx (Offline Offline)
  • Published: August 2nd, 2017 11:40
  • Comment from author about the poem: This poem isn't from personal experience but got the idea from a programme I watched about having a still birth.
  • Category: Sad
  • Views: 41
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  • Simple-Man87

    I have to agree. Powerful. Heart breaking, thought provoking, all around emotional. I think about my babies everyday, cry most days when I don't see them. You're very lovely and your words express the love you possess.

    • ShannonXx

      Thank you!!

    • Alf W

      A very sad poem indeed Shannon, but one which fills the heart with emotion and the mind with the beautiful thoughts you expressed. Even though, as you say, it was not your experience, you showed, in your words, what was in your heart. Thank you.

    • FredPeyer

      Shannon, you are an incredible poet. Your writing is exquisite and this poem is so full of love, tenderness, and yes, even hope in a time of hopelessness and sadness.

      • ShannonXx

        Thank you so much!!!

      • malubotelho

        I could feel the desperation of a mother hopping for her baby to participate with her. Beautiful writing.

        • ShannonXx

          Thank you 😊

        • BRIAN & ANGELA

          Thanks SHANNON ~ This is beautifully penned Poem but filled with such PATHOS. Several people in my extended Family ~ and Friends ~ have suffered such loss and it is a pain and a loss they carry with them the whole of their lives ! Today the Parents are encourged to have a service and a burial to give the stillborn baby dignity. Thanks for sharing and caring ~ Yours BRIAN XX

        • Accidental Poet

          A mother's love for her baby. It doesn't get much better than that. Excellent poem.

        • Michael Edwards

          Sensitive yet powerful - great work.

        • Goldfinch60

          Wonderful write, so full of emotion, but also with hope.

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