I am me,
................the product of timeless eternity.
You are you
for whom wisdom created earth's beauty.
We are the
............................. citizens of universality.
Let us make
......... this planet a place where love rules.
There are those
who on whim would destroy a whole nation.
Bring to quick
end those remedies known to re-generate.
You friend are
one who could alter the course of evil.
I am me
who can support the means to its finish.
We as workers for planet-survival
can franchise
true freedom and watch peace revive.
Fay Slimm. (
- Published: August 20th, 2017 03:21
- Category: Unclassified
- Views: 37
- Users favorite of this poem: Accidental Poet
THANKS FAY ~ for reminding us of the importance of Friends & family ! When we form a group of Caring Individuals like MPS ~ The WHOLE is always greater than the Sum of the Parts ! Love the visual ~ the Power to light the bulb is generated by the combined energy of those who encircle it ~ AMEN Sunday Love ~ BRIAN
My thanks to you Brian and so pleased you saw the visual's significance - - the light will get brighter the more hands join together.
Nice work. Great theme.
Thanks B.E. - so pleased you enjoyed the theme of this piece.
This was beautiful and very true!!
Thank you my friend - Your comment honours the truth of the theme that the world needs love.
We belong to the Earth, not the Earth to us. We're just the custodians of the building belonging to God. And we've got to do a better job. Excellent write Fay.
Wow! To be me & to be you, then to be ❤. This is the way to be. Lovef it!
Synergy by the power of love.
coming-togetherness - the way forward for us all but does everyone work to this end - sadly not and selfishness rules in many hearts - did enjoy the read Fay.
A fine write Fay.
This is a beautiful thought Fay. If at least 50% of the humanity would think like that we could save the planet and our race.
Together, let's make this world a paradise to live.
An effective medicine for the current disease spreading around the world.
Thank you.
Very good write. The Hippies had it right. "MAKE LOVE, NOT WAR"
Now if only everybody in this world would subscribe to your mantra!
Beautifully written, great subject.
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