Sand Crabs


Some people are like sand crabs,

Scurrying over the sand, enjoying the sun,

But at the first sign of danger

Hauling it back to the safety of their tunnel,

Cowering in complete darkness

Waiting for the danger to disappear


Others are more like moths

Attracted by the light

Unaware of the danger

Interested only in

Satisfying their desires which

Ultimately might seal their fates


We need to take a hard and critical look

At our own lives and our own decisions

Are we more like sand crabs, or like moths

Do we close our eyes to the beauty of life

Just because we are afraid we might get hurt?

Or do we embrace it fully, completely unafraid?


Knowing when to scurry into the tunnel

And when to soar towards the light

Determines the quality of our life

And the degree of our happiness

Each one of us needs to find his/her own

Balance to live in harmony with our self

  • Author: Alfred Peyer (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: September 28th, 2017 01:08
  • Category: Reflection
  • Views: 45
  • Users favorite of this poem: Noah, malubotelho
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  • Fay Slimm.

    Yes balance is the answer Fred - a good reminder in this enjoyable verse that harmony with self is knowing when and how to take measures for right decisions.

    • FredPeyer

      Thanks, Fay! But unfortunately we don't always take these right decisions!

    • Goldfinch60

      Very good write and good advice, without the risks we would not move forward but we also need to know when staying safe is the way to be. The balance of life is an art.

      • FredPeyer

        Thanks Goldfinch, and we are the artists!

      • Michael Edwards

        Great write Fred

        • FredPeyer

          Thank you Michael, appreciate your read and comment!

        • orchidee

          A fine write again Fred.

          • FredPeyer

            Thanks, orchidee! Believe me, I try!

          • Christina8

            This is a really good and thoughtful write. I know people who are both. But you are right, we need a balance. Sage advice! Great poem!

            • FredPeyer

              Thank you Christina, sometimes life is a gamble and we struggle with knowing when to hold and when to quit.

            • Louis Gibbs

              To find the balance of the middle, one must experience both extremes, as we all are doing and have done many times.
              Your poem is fine food for thought, Fred!

              • FredPeyer

                Thank you Louis, I was hoping it would be food for thought for others as well. I ponder these things all the time, sometimes driving myself crazy!!! 🙂

                • Louis Gibbs

                  That's a short drive for me. See you there.

                  • FredPeyer

                    Would you mind to bring lunch! Please!

                  • WL Schuett

                    Good write Fred I think as artists we must always try to put ourselves out there towards that light .

                    • FredPeyer

                      Thanks WL, you are right (as always!), we need to explore the limits, otherwise life is just too dull.

                    • malubotelho

                      Nice to read this today. Yesterday I was talking to someone about how some people lives in fear always expecting that something bad is going to happen. Most of the things people fear, never happens. I just don't understand why suffer before thinking about bad things. Or not enjoying life because of fear. It is nonsense. Nice write Fred. Balance and good attitude means a lot.

                      • FredPeyer

                        Thank you Malu! You brought up a good point. So many times we worry for nothing, but still we hold back when we should be going forward. Some people miss out on life just because of fear. Nothing wagered, nothing gained.

                      • dusk arising

                        i love this Fred. i feel exactly the way you describe we should be insofar as i am both sand crab and moth - and i accept the duality of my existence.
                        Maybe the outlook of a person who has lived outside a relationship for many years is very different from what i perceive to be a more balanced outlook of a person who has lived within a secure relationship for many years - respectfully suggested.

                        • FredPeyer

                          Thanks da! I am sure that the outlook on life is different for people within or people outside of long term relationships, no doubt about that. But finding the right balance is an individual thing. It is different for each person, and there is no right or wrong, and there is no standard either. One has to look inside to find out where one wants to be, and where one is most comfortable, be it closer to the light or closer to the tunnel. Most of us are both moth and sand crab.
                          But your relationship aspect is very interesting. While the right balance for each one of us comes from inside, if you are in partnership, you are obviously influenced by your partner, and that may change the balance.

                        • rrodriguez

                          Two perspectives of life. Is our choice. So let's choose wisely. Fine write my friend enjoyed the analogy.

                          • FredPeyer

                            Thanks so much for your comment, Roberto!

                            • rrodriguez

                              You bet... ! I enjoy reading your work.

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