Love's Wand.

Fay Slimm.


Love's Wand.


Unperceived as achievable
is enlightenment until it is ripened
in life's close relationships.

Hurt, when un-healed by 
sitting in pain will suffer dejection
and can never sip nectar.

By releasing morbidity
mind's further sad patterns cease
to reap disturbing regrets.

Fearless a heart when
lifted to listen for wisdom will hear
calm breathing as life sings.

Taste then joy's unsullied
zenith but realize unless digested
love's wand lies beyond reach.

  • Author: Fay Slimm. (Offline Offline)
  • Published: October 22nd, 2017 03:29
  • Comment from author about the poem: To illustrate more the chosen picture here is a posting of weekend prose as perhaps food for thought.
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 62
  • Users favorite of this poem: Accidental Poet
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    Thanks for caring & sharing FAY ~ a very salutary message for Sunday Morning ! We all need to be more CALM & ENLIGHTENED ! I achieve it by focussing on God and the Spiritual Dimension ~ especially on a Sunday ~ Yours as ever BRIAN

  • Laura🌻

    Beautiful message
    for this Sunday morning!
    A lot to think about.
    I do a lot of it these days
    while sitting and reading
    bible verses to my mom!
    She is mentally lost
    without my dad.
    Since she cannot read
    her favorite book any longer,
    she asks me to do it!
    It consoles her! So be it!
    Thank you for your beautiful message!

  • orchidee

    Good write Fay. A bit of 'thinking deeper' won't hurt us! But maybe not over-doing it, or we'll get a headache. Well, I will, so I say! lol.

  • Accidental Poet

    Words to take to heart Fay. For some just don't understand that love CAN last forever in one heart. Great write Fay. ; )

  • Michael Edwards

    Deep thunkloads - well writ Fay.

  • Goldfinch60

    Good caring write Fay.

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