SNOWMEN ~ ELEGANT ! A 7 7 Acrostic Sonnet




SNOWMEN ~ Someone we have all made 

Nobody when it snows ~ misses

Out on making a big SNOWMAN !

What are the British criteria ?

Make Head ~ Body ~ Arms of SNOW

Every SNOWMAN must have a Hat

Nose a carrot ~ eyes and mouth ~ coal !


Every SNOWMAN must have a Scarf

Let's keep our SNOWMAN ~ snug & warm

Each SNOWMAN must have coal buttons 

Gloves NO ~ Legs NO ~ Shoes NO ~ Smile YES !

All British SNOWMEN are HAPPY !

Not even in ALASKA do .......

They last forever ~ THEY BRING JOY !


Thanks for visiting ~ comments welcome ~ Love BRIAN XOX


This Poem is presented as a 7 7 Acrostic Sonnet ~ written

in iambic tetrameter ~ eight syllables per line to give flow !


British Snowmen do NOT have twigs for arms (God forbid)

we make the arms out of snow ! Classically the eyes ~ mouth

and buttons should be coal or dark pebbles. A Hat and a

scarf complete the ensemble. We all cry when He melts !  



  • Author: BRIANSODES (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: November 17th, 2017 02:30
  • Category: Nature
  • Views: 28
  • Users favorite of this poem: Accidental Poet
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  • Goldfinch60

    It is not even December yet Brian and winter is yet to come. Good write though.


    Well ANDY ~ Scotland has had her first SNOW already and Wee Scots Snowies ha' appeared wi' Tartan Tammies an' Scarves and the lovely CHRISTINA S has reported first snowfall in "The State of the Snow Queen" As soon as it snows in my neck of the woods ~ I'll be round to me Mam's makin' me first Snowy o' the Year ~ AMEN ~ Yours BRIAN "The Snowman !"

  • Michael Edwards

    Suffering from cold induced urticaria (I'm allergic to the cold - opposite end of the spectrum to heat rash) the cold is the last thing I look forward to and I certainly don't like snow for the same reason - but I do like to see the snowmen albeit from a distance.


      "From a distance" everything comes into broader and sharper focus ! Thanks for your comment ~ Snowmen are one of the Winter memories of a misspent Youth and always nostalgic. Still being Youthful ~ Mum loves me to make a nostalgic Snowy in her Garden ~ when it snows ! Flats don't have Gardens ~ just PARKING PLACES ~ c'est la vie ! Yours BRIAN

    • orchidee

      A fine write Brian.

    • Christina8

      Love the picture--it snowed again yesterday but not much. Great acrostic sonnet. Didn't know you didn't use twigs for arms. Oh well. great write Brian! The countdown to Thanksgiving (so we can write about christmas lol) is on! Sisterly hugs--Christina

      • BRIAN & ANGELA

        Thanks CHRIS ~ soon be enough snow to make an S-MAN ! You can make a handsome one and call him BRIAN ! No twigs for arms though ! Pleased you liked the POEM ~ if I can't rhyme ~ I make each line co-syllabic to give it flow for recitation ! Thanksgiving ~ Christmas ~ New Year is what I call the "Season of Festivity" ~ OK. Because the College closes from 15 DECEMBER to 5 JANUARY 2018 ~ we have to start our Christmas Menu (in the Training Restaurant) early Monday 2O NOVEMBER ~ so we all get in the Christmas MOOD early ! We will celebrate THANKSGIVING in the Restaurant ~ Turkey ~ Pumpkin Pie etc next Thursday (24 November !) Festive Hugs for You ~ Brian "Man for All Seasons !" @@@@@@@

      • myself and me

        Making snowman is a lot of fun, shovel snow is a load of work. Love your snowman.

        • BRIAN & ANGELA

          THANKS M & M ~ Pleased you liked the SNOWMAN ~ a real ENGLISH SNOWMAN as described in my Poem ! As with everything in Life "M" there at highs & lows ! The lows are clearing the Drive & Paths ~ The highs are sledging ~ snowball fights and of course SNOWMEN ! Festival hugs ~ BRIAN

        • Accidental Poet

          I can't remember the last time I made a snowman. Although I do remember trying to make a lighthouse around the lamp post in front of the house for my mother. Great write Brian.

          • BRIAN & ANGELA

            Thanks AP ~ I am not a DAD (Yet !) but I always make a SNOWMAN for my Mum & Dad ! We make other things ~ dogs ~ cats ~ crocodiles ~ bears and also igloos etc. Please you liked the Structure and Subject of the Poem ~ Yours BRIAN

          • Tony36

            Great write

            • BRIAN & ANGELA

              THANKS TONY ~ Pleased you enjoyed it ~ BRIAN

              • Tony36


              • Fay Slimm.

                A magical read which brings back many Snowman-making joys when I lived up-country in the Cotswold hills - have yet to manage one in Cornwall south west though so I really loved the scene your pen painted with proper attire and smile to match. Lovely job Brian.

                • BRIAN & ANGELA

                  THANKS FAY ~ I knew you would understand the criteria for a genuine BRITISH SNOWMAN. I love the Cotswolds ~ pleased you had a chance to live there ! Very pretty bit a long way from the COAST. Pleased you enjoyed the Poem ~ Yours as ever BRIAN

                • FredPeyer

                  Brings me back to my time living in Montreal. Lots of snow, made snowmen (the American way, with stick arms!!!), even igloos for the kids to play house in. Great Fun.

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