Colours of Change.
No night could be darker than this.
Starless and chilled,
its breath thickens with cold the minutes
of December's decease
and snaps at the old year's sap until
clock's final chimes ring out defeat.
Then starts the colours of change.
No sky could be lit more than this.
No show so bright
while firework frenzy ends shivers
of London crowd's wait
and lifts the mind of ice-raked spirit
to awe-raised warmth of New Year.
Firework sparkle earns hurrays.
Fay Slimm. (
- Published: January 2nd, 2018 06:06
- Category: Unclassified
- Views: 94
- Users favorite of this poem: Michael Edwards, Laura🌻
I hope your New Year is sparkling with words Fay.
Oh how kind of you dear Goldi - I will now try harder to sparkle with words in 2018,
Fay this one is really special - saving it into Faves.
Ah - so pleased you enjoyed my version of watching in awe at the strokes of Big Ben for the burst of colour - - bless you for saving it too Michael.
A fine write Fay.
True, nothing fascinates us more than man-created starbursts in the sky ... makes us feel god-like I suppose. Well captured herein, Fay!
Thank you Louis and really agree with the effect a burst of star-sprinkled colour has on watching crowds. Glad you enjoyed the read.
Well written and expressed
My dear Poetess Fay...
A beautiful write to guide
me through the new year!
Your poetry is a gift I
cherish! A sure save into
my favorites !
Looking forward to
your gifts of poetry!
Thank you!
Thank you for the lovely and very supportive comment on my impression of the firework pleasure which brings in New Year - - - am so pleased this has been added to your faves. too - I think the colours that burst from nowhere are such a lift to those gathered in crowds to watch for ends and beginnings.
Thanks FAY for another great FUSION of Poem 'n Pics ! Because I am a chemist I have always loved FIREWORKS ~ Explosives to give propulsion and bangs and iron filings to add the sparkle to sparklers ~ and of course colour. Metal salts are mostly white crystals and give no hint of the coloured spectrum they produce when heated ! Calcium ~ Orange Strontium ~ Red Barium ~ Green Sodium ~ Yellow Potassium ~ Mauve etc. My fave as a child were always PINWHEELS I thought they were magic and I still do ! In many ways 2017 was an Annus Horribilis so we sent her out with a BANG and welcomed 2018 with the best FW Display in the World. In my experience A Firework Display always makes an occasion so it's ideal for MIDNIGHT on N Y E ! I have great faith in 2018 ~ we are more stable politically & economically ~ than we expected to be ~ and (especially for those of us in his Peer Group !) we are so pleased for PRINCE HARRY & MEGHAN and the ROYAL WEDDING in May. Harry is a Fun Guy and a real Man's Man and along with William & Kate (who they will complement !) we have two great Royal Role Model Couples for next 40 years ! Charles must very proud the way his Sons have matured and stepped in the Public Arena with all their charm blazing ! I am a ROYALIST and I think the Royal Family (especially ELIZABETH & PHILIP) give the Country great charm & charisma which is the envy of the rest of the WORLD. MEGHAN has all the qualities and experience required to SHINE ~ AMEN ~ Yours BRIAN
It is not just the fireworks that sparkle, it is your whole poem, Fay!
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