Winter's Wrath


The frozen grips of winter

Like an old mans scorn

Fills you with madness

Icicles and frost adorn


Deep in the white vastness

It's many degrees below

This season just won't stop

We have another foot of snow


I look forward to it melting

but not when it turns to frozen rain

I need the sunshine and flowers

The warmth will take away my pain

  • Author: Christina (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: February 2nd, 2018 07:11
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 125
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  • Fay Slimm.

    A lament that cold and winter engender - and so well rhymed Christina - - hope warmth comes your way soon. xx

    • Christina8

      Thank you so much for your well wishes. Very appreciative of your reply!

    • Michael Edwards

      Great work Christina

      • Christina8

        Thanks Michael! I appreciate it.

      • orchidee

        Why does everything seem to grind to a halt in the UK, if we have more than 2cms of snow. I don't want to see any centimetres of it! A fine write Christina. Hope your, and U.S friends, have Spring before too long!

        • Christina8

          It will be a while! But thanks so much for your kind reply orchidee!

        • TrystanBehm

          I think all of us in the NE U.S. feel this way, but couldn't express as eloquently. We could use a few years of just three seasons! Great write!!

          • Christina8

            I appreciate your kind words very much! Yes, I agree with you on the three seasons thing!

          • FredPeyer

            Well written, Christina! The first snow is usually a lot of fun, but as time goes on, Winter is becoming less and less fun, until we just cannot wait anymore for Spring.

            • Christina8

              Oh I'm there and I have two more months of it! Thanks so much for your thoughtful reply!

            • skyebellasario

              Lovely write Christina! Here in the UK we're fed up of the cold too I am more than ready for summer!!

              • Christina8

                It's going to snow all day tomorrow! SO tired of it. Thanks for your wonderful reply, skye!

              • BRIAN & ANGELA

                The North wind doth blow ~ we shall have SNOW
                What will the ROBIN doe then poor thing ?
                He'll sit in the barn and keep himself warm
                And hide his head under his wing ~ poor thing !

                Thanks for you poem Chris ~ pleased you have such positive feedback on both the Structure and Subject ! It reminded me that all of NATURE is subject to the vicissitudes of WINTER| and many animals and plants die each year when we have a cold spell. Winter is important for the Planet climatically but we don't want to severe. You can't all live in Florida (like many of our Members !) or Hawaii like FRED ! My Mum has lots of "ice free" Bird Baths and lots of feeders with nuts seeds and fatballs etc ! She is like St Francis a lover of all things living ! Thanks for caring & sharing ~ Hugs in the Spirit ~ BRIAN ~ @@@@@@@

                • Christina8

                  Thanks so much for your thoughtful and wonderful reply, Brian! Loved the cute poem. I really appreciate it!! Hugs in the spirit to you--Christina

                • Accidental Poet

                  Great write Christina, I'm ready for a good thaw too. And Spring is only a month and a half away. We're almost there. Hold on girl.

                  • Christina8

                    Thanks for the encouragement, AP! I also appreciate the kind words and reply! I am holding on, I promise!

                  • Goldfinch60

                    Your pain will soon be healed as Spring will soon be here. Good emotive write Christina.

                    • Christina8

                      Thanks so much GF! I really appreciate the reply!

                    • poelove

                      well written poem Christina I for my part enjoy the winter it its a nice change from the looming Texas heat

                      • Christina8

                        Thanks for your wonderful reply! There's got to be a happy medium, right? LOL

                        • poelove

                          the beginning of spring and the end of fall that's a good balance

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