Passion Progress


Tune: Passion Chorale

('O sacred head, now wounded')

Luke 23 v.26-46 parts


On way to crucifixion

They laid hold on Simon

Caused him to Jesus' cross bear

On that passion road share

And company lamenting

Their woes they there did bring

Bemoaning and bewailing

No joyful tunes did sing


But Jesus said, You daughters

You are my besoughters

Though weep not for me, but weep

For yourselves, mourning keep

And for you children, for see

The days coming, they be

When they shall say, Blessed barren

The childless among men


Then shall they say to mountains

Fall on us, and in dens

We shall hide ourselves, and hills

Cover us, shield from ills

For if they here are doing

In a green tree such things*

What shall be done in dry times?

Disruptions of life's rhymes


When crucified, Jesus' prayer

Even forgiveness there

For such know not what they do

He forgives me and you

And to the thief penitent

Who was true repentant

Jesus' paradise promised

With Him, eternal bliss


Then fearful noontide darkness

Three hours long, no less

Sun darkened, temple's veil torn

Christ, sins of world has borne

And then He with a loud voice

He commended, His choice

His spirit to Father's hands

Then died to save all lands


* The 'green tree' reference appears in Luke.  

It seems terrible as those days were, it was days of a tree with

green leaves. Jesus asks what will happen in the 'dry times' when

the tree has no leaves - an indication of even worse things to come?

  • Author: orchidee (Offline Offline)
  • Published: March 29th, 2018 02:17
  • Comment from author about the poem: A hymn-poem in 7676 7676 metre.
  • Category: Spiritual
  • Views: 22
  • Users favorite of this poem: BRIAN & ANGELA, Laura🌻
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  • Michael Edwards

    Was the 'O sacred head' going white like me?

    • orchidee

      Erm, shouldn't have thought so, as Jesus was only age 33 or thereabouts.

      • Michael Edwards

        I was going white at that age.

        • orchidee

          Ahh yes, so you were - as you said on your poem's comments!

        • BRIAN & ANGELA

          Thanks STEVE ~ for posting an awesome version of "O Sacred Head" and also for you beautiful poem. You are a Latter Day Charles Wesley ~ you have a wonderful way with Songs ~ Spiritual love some of your Rhymes in this elegant Poem ~ Have saved it as a FAVE ! Yours BRIAN

          • orchidee

            Thanks Brian. I've a way to go, towards Charles Wesley's 9,000+ hymns, including unpublished ones, so I read! Well, I could be shorter and 'cheat' - make them say 3 or 4 short verses each! lol.

            • BRIAN & ANGELA

              KEEP GOING STEVE ~ You may reach 1000 ! Remember the same Holy Spirit that indwelt and inspired CHARLES ~ also indwells and inspires YOU and ME and GOLDIE etc ~ AMEN ~ BRIAN

              • orchidee

                Not to brag, but I have reached 1,000 - not all hymn-poems though!

              • w c

                Enjoyed it, orchidee.

                • orchidee

                  Thanks wc.

                • Laura🌻

                  Beautiful poem and song, Orchi!
                  Thank you for sharing!


                  • orchidee

                    Thanks Laura.

                  • Goldfinch60

                    Very good write Orchi.

                    • orchidee

                      Thanks Gold.

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