Meaningful Morning


Tune: Lancashire

('The day of Resurrection')

John 20 v.11-18


Mary stood weeping outside

The tomb, and woe, betide

For she wept, her Lord had died

They had laid Him inside

Looking in, two angels she

Did see, but was not He

For He had risen, she saw

Him there in tomb no more


When she turned back, Jesus there

Though she was not aware

It was Him, but gardener

She did suppose He were

'Woman, why you weep?' Jesus said

'Who do you seek?' who dead?

Mary said 'If you know where

He is, please with me share'


Jesus said to her, 'Mary'

That was enough, here see

Mention of her name lovingly

She knew Jesus He be

'Rabboni', 'Teacher'', replied

You were the one that died

But now live for evermore

Lord to each utmost shore


'Do not hold me Mary', He said

'For I not ascended

Yet to my Father, He yours too'

To many, not a few

'He my God and your God be'

He brings us victory

Mary went, with others shared

That things thus with her fared


  • Author: orchidee (Offline Offline)
  • Published: April 2nd, 2018 02:02
  • Comment from author about the poem: A hymn-poem in 7676 7676 metre. A few extra syllables added, that fit in with some longer notes.
  • Category: Spiritual
  • Views: 17
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  • Michael Edwards

    Good Maaning Orchi ----Maaningful Morning - is that a spelling error - should I read on?

    🙂 🙂

    • orchidee

      Thanks Michael. Oops, maybe there were sheep around, and saw a maaan risen from the dead! (baaaa). Well, as it turned to Easter Sunday, it's not 'mourning'.

      • Michael Edwards

        I think you're pulling the wool over my eyes Orchi - actually I quite like Maaning can we invent a meaning for it - if so I'll write a poem about it - inspiration can come from the most unlikely places

      • Lorna

        Beautiful piece of music Orchidee - I've heard it in films and never knew what it was....... now I know to my benefit! Lovely sentiments........

        • orchidee

          Thanks Lorna.

        • BRIAN & ANGELA

          THANKS STEVE ~ I'm pleased your devotions have spread to EASTER MONDAY ~ still rejoicing in the CROSSWORK of CHRIST and the RESURRECTION ! Jesus who was sinless became SIN for US that we might be made the Righteousness of GOD in HIM ~ AMEN. Thanks also for another challenging Poem ~ I love all the MARYS they add a touch of Female Glamour and Logic to the Easter Story ! Pleased check my FUSION on CHOCOLATE ! Your Friend BRIAN

          • orchidee

            Thanks Brian. I'm a day behind in a way. I do readings first, then poem the same day, usually. I've got an old service book. Well, it observes days, times, seasons, etc, though St Paul says for us not get obsessed with them! But in some places we might not know - or may forget - Jesus is risen, as not a dicky bird is sung about it from some places who have 'choruses' always. Someone cussed there, for a guy who ALWAYS played guitar. They said 'Must we have him EVERY week, and no other music?! lol.

          • Goldfinch60

            Very good write Orchi.

            • orchidee

              Thanks Gold.

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