The service was over,
Good words,
Good hymns,
Good prayers.
We should go home,
Home to Sunday roast dinner,
But today was different.
It was the ‘meeting’,
The Church’s Annual Meeting.
A meeting to see where we are going,
Where we are going forward,
With our decreasing congregation.
So many words said.
Some people speaking well,
But most are so boring.
They drone on and on,
And on,
And on,
And on,
And on.
The meeting was over
And home I went,
The only though I had
“Well that was another hour and a half
That I will not get back in my life.”
As I have said before,
I shouldn’t go to Church meetings.
Goldfinch60 (Pseudonym) (
- Published: April 16th, 2018 01:53
- Comment from author about the poem: The music suits the Church meeting I went to yesterday.
- Category: Reflection
- Views: 24
Ahh, you had a good time then?! Well, it started off good then went downhill from then on? Some meetings - don't ya just hate them?! Some church business meetings are held midweek. I suppose they try to capture people on Sundays while they are there in person.
You've hit the nail on the head - the people will not come to meetings in the week.
Well, one church, they are VERY short in meetings. All of 20 minutes! But most of the business went on in sub-committees behind the scenes, then just reports given out at main meeting. Saves a load of waffle! Some don't know what a PCC is! (Parochial Church Council, in Anglican Churches).
Oh I know those meetings well - I especially hate AGMs especially when it comes to electing a new committee - the old ones (who love the limelight) feign reluctance to continue knowing full well that everyone else is shrinking in their seats hoping no one will point to them to join the committee. And the endless waffle - oh take me home.
I have been to many meetings as well Michael but the Church ones are possibly the worst of the lot, especially now when the Church attendances are going down, nobody is interested but attend them out of respect for the Church.
So funny....... Michael's "endless waffle" comment very funny too..... sound like corporate meetings - oh how people love to hear themselves talk!
Thank you Lorna. I am sure some people get degrees in waffling.
Thanks for caring & sharing ANDY ! That tune sure epitomises many Church Meetings I've attended in the past ! By coincidence it is our AGM tomorrow ! I belong to a lively Evangelical Church so our AGM will not be dull ! Efficient yes but even a few laughs and nice Buffet to Follow. The only thing i have watch (because the atmosphere will be relaxed) is to not volunteer for too many Action Groups ~ Angela will ensure I don't ! Loved the REQUIEM & the Poem ~ they went well together ! Yours BRIAN
Please check my Collaboration Poem (with Maxine) and my new FUSION on MUSIC ~ thanks BRIAN
Thanks Brian, I am sure there may be some good Church meetings but I obviously miss them some how.
Like this one. Having been a church member in the past I can relate to it and I sympathise! I pick up a humorous tone, but I only hope the service itself wasn't boring; that would be a double whammy. Like the style, laid back poet.
Thank you for your comment, the service was ok so it wasn’t a double whammy this time,
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