Tune: Llanfair
('Hail the day that sees Him rise, Alleluia!')
Acts 1 v.4-11
John did baptise with water - Alleluia!
But Jesus did say for sure - Alleluia!
His disciples, they would be - Alleluia!
Baptised with the Spirit, see - Alleluia!
It be not many days hence - Alleluia!
Christ shall pray the Father thence - Alleluia!
Who shall send the Spirit to - Alleluia!
Empower for service true - 1alleluia!
It was not for them to know - Alleluia!
When Christ would kingdoms renew - Alleluia!
Earthly kingdoms, Israel - Alleluia!
Times only Father can tell - Alleluia!
But they would receive power - Alleluia!
To meet needs of every hour - Alleluia!
When the Holy Spirit is - Alleluia!
Come upon them, sure is this - Alleluia!
And they and we too shall be - Alleluia!
Witnesses to Christ, here see - Alleluia!
In Jerusalem, Judea - Alleluia!
To all places far and near - Alleluia!
And too in Samaria - Alleluia!
To ends of earth's area - Alleluia!
Ripples spread, the message grows - Alleluia!
Until earth's utmost end knows - Alleluia!
While they looked He ascended - Alleluia!
Mighty Victor o'er the dead - Alleluia!
And a cloud did Him receive - Alleluia!
The hope of all who believe - Alleluia!
Then two men in white appeared - Alleluia!
Said, 'Though Chris to you endeared - Alleluia!
Promise of the Spirit, why - Alleluia!
Stand you gazing at the sky?' - Alleluia!
Gazing up into the height - Alleluia!
Where Jesus did take His flight - Alleluia!
He shall so return, same way - Alleluia!
As you saw Him go this day - Alleluia!
- Author: orchidee ( Offline)
- Published: May 10th, 2018 01:49
- Comment from author about the poem: A hymn-poem in 7777 metre with Alleluias. Happy Ascension Day!
- Category: Spiritual
- Views: 31
Alleluia indeed.
Thanks Gold.
Thank you Orchidee.
A beautiful poem that speaks hope.
Keep writing
Thanks Fine.
A great metered piece Orchi
Thanks Michael - the 100 metres?!
A beautiful write and clip for a beautiful blessed day! Happy Ascension Thursday! Alleluia!
Thanks Laura.
Thanks STEVE ~ any Poem or song with HALLELUJAH in it gets my vote ~ Thanks for cheering ! Yours BRIAN
Thanks Brian.
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