Oh rose, thou are pale.
An invisible sickness
brought on by fierce wind
in last night's gale
hast found thee leafless.
Left alone on bare bough
forlorn thy face
in arctic freeze.
Oh frost-caught rose.
Thy fragrance abandoned
at fate's cold hand
shivers take hold
and I must pluck thee.
Relieved by fresh water
and warmed indoors
then thou might heal.
Fay Slimm. (
- Published: June 21st, 2018 01:44
- Category: Unclassified
- Views: 29
Heal it will indeed with your loving care Fay.
Ah - how kind of you Goldi - thank you for the read and the comment.
Love is the greatest healer.
Oh I do so agree - - love is all we need to heal any hurt. xx
This is beautiful Fay
The sadness is made happy by hope
I love it!
So pleased you found beauty in this read Andrew - - we all can pick up a cold and beaten heart and by warm care can help heal it to deal with life again. Thank you for your kind support of my work.
The power of tender care - great work Fay.
Yes there is great power in warm and loving care - thanks for the comment dear Michael.
My dear Fay,
This beautiful poem reminds me of many moments in my life! The one that will always stand out is the day one son came back into my arms from a long lonely journey!
“Relieved by fresh water
and warmed indoors
then thou might heal.”
He is healing!
Oh what a blessing to have your son home and healing again Laura - - so glad the poem helped support the idea of providing warm love to cold and beaten hearts. Thank you so much for sharing your personal experience on this theme and may you both find years of peace now he is home in your arms. Hugs from me xxxx
Thank YOU my beautiful Fay!
It’s an indescribable feeling!
Your words and comments
bring me joy!
Beautiful Picture ~ Elegant Poem ~ Thanks for brightening our day ~ FAY ! The Picture and Poem conjure up many analogies in Life and Love ! People left out in the "cold" for all sorts of reasons and alas ~ not all rescued in time ! ICE ROSES are quite common in Essex and if left on the branch remain as buds and never open ~ the same is true of People ! However as your last verse suggests ~ If we rescue them ~ place the stem in warm water in a warm environment ~ the bud opens and it becomes (in time) a beautiful "full blown rose" The same is true of people ~ a Hot Shower ~ A Warm Environment ~ Food & Drink and lots of TLC ~ AMEN ~ Yours as always BRIAN
My grateful thanks for your continued perceptive thoughts after reading my work dear Brian - - being left out in the cold is often the cause of much hurt and stress and many a poor soul will respond to rescue by warmth and care. So pleased you enjoyed the read.
I really like this Ms Fay, but I have to add that flowers, like people, die if not "plucked" with extreme care. Any tender care can be negated by the manner of plucking. I feel that your kindness would extend through the whole process. You seem to have a sweet nature. Love the pic too.
Ah I agree wholeheartedly my friend with your views on "the manner of plucking" and how we need to be careful to show the right warmth to those who are victims of being left out in the cold. So pleased you saw things of value in the poem and thank you for the visit and for the read.
This is really great Fay! Very beautiful work!
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