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John Keats Poems


One of the English poets who made a significant impact on the Romantic era. A contemporary with Lord Byron and others, Keats perspective on life was highly influenced by the more liberal teachings of the boarding school which he attended. Keats was born at a London inn, where his father was employed and later managed. As the pay was meager, Keats ...

Edgar Allan Poe Poems


Poe was born in Boston, Massachusetts, and became an orphan at a young age when his mother passed away -- his father had already abandoned them. He lived with the Allan family (for which he took his middle name) until he attended college at the University of Virginia. He also attempted a career in the military, but failed to impress the commandant ...

Robert Burns Poems


When I was living in England, it was part of our routine each month to enjoy visiting a new village or town. Oftentimes, the location was selected at random, almost like throwing a dart at the map and going where ever the dart landed. One of those trips led us into Scotland, to a play called Ayr. We had a lovely ...

Lord Byron Poems


Long considered as one of Great Britain's most revered poets, Lord Byron was undoubtedly a master of the Romantic movement. Certainly, his poetry was as colorful as his life style. Byron, whose full name was George Gordon Byron, was born into aristocracy, as his father was from a long line of military officers and his mother was heiress to the Scottish ...

Lil’ Wayne Poems


For the conservative poet or reader, an article on Lil' Wayne may be a little difficult to handle. I fall into that conservative group as well. However, I am also a professional writer, and I have tried my best over the years to maintain an appropriate appreciation for art forms that happen to be different than my own. While I am ...

Poems on Peace


Throughout most of my life, I've heard people calling for peace. I grew up during the 60s and 70s and heard all of the rhetoric about the 'conflict' in Vietnam. Before that was Korea and a few other smaller scurmishes. After 'nam was all the mess in the Middle East. But the truth is, we have always wanted peace -- at ...

Poems on Animals


Even if you"re not an animal lover, it"s difficult to deny that they can be quiet charming to watch. There are so many varieties of animals, each one with its own unique characteristics and charming features. It is, therefore, no surprise that animals have been one of the primary topics of poets over the many centuries. Whether they were animals ...

Leadership Poems


Essentially all poems are a reflection of someone's deep, inward beliefs, about their feelings and their experiences. They tend to speak about a person's ability to stand up strongly in life. They encourage us through a rather profound collective power that is our own shared reflections on life. They inform us of our own positive vision of ourselves and of all ...

Persian Poetry


The literature of Persia is one of the world"s oldest and frequently referenced literatures. It covers two-and-a-half thousand years, although a significant portion of the pre-Islamic documents have been lost. Much of it has been within historical Persia , which includes present-day Iran, Iraq and Azerbaijan, along with portions of Central Asia where the Persian language has been treated historically as ...

Spring Poems


Spring is here. Although the calendar has announced the beginning of spring, some of us question whether or not it's really here. Snow is on the mountains and, in some places, still in the valleys. But as we watch the birds begin their annual migration, we also see little signs that change is in the air. Buds on the trees are ...