Comments received on poems by lynn

lynn said:

Thanks Anna, Yes he did read it. I had a friend of mine write it out in calogrphy and I sent it to him as well. He said he reads it everyday. He made some mistakes when he was younger,and I am willing to give him a second chance as we try to bond and form a relationship.It will be crazy to be able to b e with my tein after all these years. We look so much alike it is rather scary. :) and my son looks just like him. Have a super day! May the sun be shining where ever you are.

April 12th, 2012 17:36

Anna said:

Aw, this is really sweet:) I really hope your brother has read it :)))

April 12th, 2012 16:53

lynn said:

Thank you for taking time to read my poem,and for your kind input. I greatly appericate it. Will be posting more real soon.

February 28th, 2012 23:52

lynn said:

I'm not sure that Spirital was the right category however,this is my prayer for my brother,and that's why I choose this category.
Hope you all enjoy the poem. I sent it to my brother. Hope he enjoys it as well.

February 24th, 2012 18:05

lynn said:

Thank you for your input and for taking the time to read my poems. I most graciously appericate it. Have a Blessed day.

February 20th, 2012 09:27

lynn said:

I wrote this after my Son was born. I PRAYED with all my heart that he could stay here on earth as I had lost two children before him, soon after their births. God heard and answered my prayers. My son is the light of my life. He has given me many joys and has taught me many lessons in life. We have been down some hard roads togerher in life but our love and Faith has guided us along.I always thought I'd be the one doing all the teaching as I am the parent.Well the things my Son has taught me you can't learn from a text book.I am amazed with the lesson's he has taught me. I am a very Blessed mother! I am also very proud of my Son for being so strong as we face life on life's terms. He truly is a blessing and I thank God everyday for giving me the Honor to be his mother. This is truly one of the best Blessings of my life!!!

February 19th, 2012 21:01

jvl narasimha rao said:

Your poem is philosophical and psychological

February 16th, 2012 08:06

Slow Dance
lynn said:

Thank You

February 15th, 2012 23:26

lynn said:

Thank you for your feed back.

February 15th, 2012 23:25

Slow Dance
Cheeky Missy said:

Subtly erotic and very romantic tribute to passion, love and dreams. Excellent. It seems to play with end-rhyming and could use a bit of spell-checking. Wonderful imagery and beautifully conveyed dreams of romance. Very good.

February 15th, 2012 15:00

Cheeky Missy said:

Gently poignant musing on reality and dreams, concluding excellently. Lovely use of end-rhyming, though if you wish to improve, making which lines (ie, every other or all) rhyme, as well as regulating the syllables and foot would also help...that is, if you wish to tweak or make it even better. As it stands it is a beautiful poetic tribute to reality, thought-provoking with great imagery. Welcome to P&P!

February 15th, 2012 14:57

Cheeky Missy said:

Very thought-provoking and methinks all too relevant to this day and age. It appears to utilized end-rhyming but I suspect from previous frustrations in using this site/server, that while you may well have ordered this post in rhymed stanzas but the site did not acknowledge that? An excellent tribute to a horrible reality. I am very sorry your little family was thus shattered and hope the Lord may mercifully grant you recovery, though the scars must remain for this earth, methinks. Wonderful imagery and if it indeed uses end-rhyming, all the nicer. Excellent.

February 15th, 2012 14:51