Comments received on poems by nihility

A Dragon
Caring dove said:

do we not need more then self belief tho ? what if we believe we can get somewhere but we try and we fail .. but yes, self belief probably does help , tho i would dare say you need a little more then that....

January 27th, 2018 17:11

A Dragon
Caring dove said:

i completely understand lol .. :-) just because the dragon has no wings, does not mean it cannot fly and set sail .. it can still reach places , reach where it wants to be. nice read Leslie, and i love fantasy , i am currently reading the fourth book in a set of fantasy called the broken world about dragons and men .. i enjoyed reading your poem

January 27th, 2018 17:09

nihility said:

Side note: if I put a date on at the top of the poem it’s the date I wrote it on.

January 26th, 2018 16:40


WELCOME LESLIE ~ Thanks for your first POEM ~ I am a SEPTEMBER BABY ~ between Harvest & Fall ~ so i can empathise \"The Autumn Leaves go bey my Window too ........ !\" and now it\'s WINTER ~ but in the UK there are already signs of Spring (Snowdrops etc) so whatever Season we were born in ~ we can enjoy the one we\'re living in ~ OK Thinking of you ~ Every Blessing ~ Yours BRIAN (UK) Please check my SITE ~ B !

January 25th, 2018 19:23

ReloadTheWorld said:

Nice job!

January 25th, 2018 19:09

SorrowfullyHappy said:

great first poem keep up the great work

January 25th, 2018 17:00