Comments received on poems by Poetic25

Unfinished symphony
poelove said:

yes powerful and I loved the rhythm you achieved it flowed well. The last verse \'i sang the chorus\' made for a powerful finish.

February 25th, 2018 07:35

Twilight rendezvous
Caring dove said:

i imagine the woods are nice to walk in .. not been for a walk in a wood/ forest for a long time .. i can imagine it is calming for the minds tho i wouldn\'t want to be alone in one , lol

February 24th, 2018 16:30

Twilight rendezvous
Caring dove said:

wow! poetic25 , an amazing piece of writing .. i love how you speak of the moon and the clouds being like
iris resting; between
silver lined eyelids... you have given this a truly musical and magical feel , the tempo of the wood, the stirring of the leaves .. and then all goes silent and a owl hoots and you are wandering is it directed towards you .. brilliant ! i love your work ! a truly enjoyable piece :-) you have given the woods such an amazing sense of atmosphere ..

February 24th, 2018 10:52

If only...
edwinknox said:

Wow. A great message for a great poem.

February 23rd, 2018 19:16

If only...
Laura🌻 said:

This verse is pure joy to read! It warmed my heart to read it! I wish you could sky write it for the whole world to see!


February 23rd, 2018 14:54

Unfinished symphony
Christina8 said:

A well written poem, so heartfelt. Very emotional. Great job!

February 22nd, 2018 18:30

Unfinished symphony
Caring dove said:

i agree with little gift ... a very powerful piece of writing .. i love your reference to strings of the heart and the drums ..

your big bands bashed;
banging my head
against a brick wall

it sounds like someone really got to you , and caused you pain ..

really great, enjoyed this!

February 22nd, 2018 13:47

Caring dove said:

oh , this is very nice .. so short yet so effective in its message :-)

February 22nd, 2018 13:21

Fay Slimm. said:

This poem of grateful love reads so beautifully positive and has a great flow - I just love the delightful and well-arranged form - well done indeed.

February 21st, 2018 14:14

My candle of addiction
Dallmandaisies said:

Wow, this is incredible!

February 20th, 2018 16:48

My candle of addiction
Caring dove said:

hello poetic25... this seems like a very strong powerful and deep piece of writing full of great expression !

February 20th, 2018 16:08

Take the edge off
Dallmandaisies said:

I LOVE this!!!

February 19th, 2018 16:52

Take the edge off
Lorna said:

Good imaging - I liked!

February 19th, 2018 16:10

Valentine (acrostic)
orchidee said:

Good write Poetic.

February 14th, 2018 09:18

Valentine (acrostic)
Christina8 said:

Beautiful acrostic!

February 14th, 2018 07:36

Times passed
dusk arising said:

Thats the way of it nicely put. Demise and rebirth.

February 11th, 2018 18:46

Symphony of birth
Michael Edwards said:

Just came across this - a real heart warming write which I echo.

February 10th, 2018 20:36

Symphony of birth
Christina8 said:

Beautiful poem, rife with emotion. Takes me back. Great job!

February 9th, 2018 19:37

Symphony of birth
Tequilasangel said:


February 9th, 2018 16:36

Symphony of birth
Tony36 said:

Wonderful written tribute to your children

February 9th, 2018 15:59

Creative madness
Caring dove said:

interesting ! i love this ! the wording throughout .. makes for a very enjoyable read . thanks for sharing ....

February 8th, 2018 06:41

Wispy bones of winter
Caring dove said:

hello poetic25 .. this is truly very lovely :-) i very much enjoyed reading this . i love you referred to the tree\'s as wooden skeletons and the gems, the \'\' pitter patter of tiny baby buds\'\' BEAUTIFUL

February 8th, 2018 05:17

Pastures new (English Sonnet)
hulheart said:

Well done !! I do like the rhythm it does flow well

February 7th, 2018 16:56

Pastures new (English Sonnet)
Fay Slimm. said:

A remarkable sonnet to read as best man at a friend\'s wedding - a first rate piece of writing.

February 7th, 2018 12:09

Creative madness
Fay Slimm. said:

A piece of engaging and creative writing and welcome to M..P. S. - - I look forward to reading more of your work . This little gem is saved to my favourites.

February 7th, 2018 12:07

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