Comments received on poems by JasmineUK

Mistress Fix

THANKS JASMINE ~ There is a moral in your salutary tale DRUGS always demand very high price. People I have known have sold their bodies for a fix and then their souls. The latter is too high a price to pay ! Your SUBJECT seems to have a voided that ! I am pleased your very graphic Poem does not see all men as \"EXPLOITERS of FEMALES\" some of us are Gentlemen and refuse to use Girls when they are DOWN (& OUT). Her mood changes in V 12. Veterans are honourable Men ! Love the gentle innuendos in vs 13 & 14. However (V 15) Mistress Fix is still lurking in the SHADOWS ! Thanks for sharing a salutary lesson for us all ! Yours BRIAN Please check my POEM on the Biochemistry of Love # Thanks B !

July 13th, 2018 07:20

It\'s Coming Home
Goldfinch60 said:

Very strong write - football has a great deal for which to answer.

July 13th, 2018 00:20

dusk arising said:

LOL naughty fun writing, i love it.
\'Unquenchable haven\' indeed.
You certainly brought a big grin to my face.

July 11th, 2018 14:55

Poetic Dan said:

Your words are so powerful in all of your writings, thank you for sharing that beautiful mind and being perfectly you.

July 11th, 2018 12:48

livsxxxx said:

Great poem!

July 11th, 2018 05:37


Ohhhhhhh JASMINE ~ You are on very sacred ground in this POEM but it should not be a taboo subject. To me FEMALE CIRCUMCISION is Anathema and those who force Young ladies into it should be shot ! The petal of a lady are as you say a thing of beauty one of God\'s greatest sensual gifts and for Mere Men a pleasure to all the senses ! Sight a precious Jewel of great Beauty ~ Scent the musk of Paradise ~ Touch like velvet ~ Taste the Honey of Heaven ~ Portent ~ A Perfect Entrance to the Tunnel of LOVE ! For the LADY the source of infinite pleasure & pleasuring ! JASMINE it is the most precious and perfect thing you possess ~ Your Love Petals that GUARD (and STIMULATE) the entrance to your PERFECT GIFT to your PERFECT MAN ! Never let anyone take it from you and always treat it with reverence and respect ! Thanks for caring & sharing ~ BRIAN (UK) An English Gentleman and a Respecter of ALL LADIES ~ AMEN !

July 10th, 2018 09:37

chana said:

Yes! Empowerment and edgy , inspirational to love your body in what ever form, this writing gives me life 😊

July 10th, 2018 09:27

Child of Badajoz

HOLA JASMINE ~ Gracias por tu prima poema muy grafica ! BADAJOZ Ciudad famosa de Extramadura cerca de Portugal ! Your POEM is elegantly penned pulsating with rhyme rhythm and sensuality ! A delight to read and recite ! A courtesan to the FRENCH providing them sensual pleasure and them providing you with Ninos d\'Oro ~ awesome. Lines 13 to 32 are very sexplicit and speak for themselves and need no commentary ! You accept your fate as \"The Will of GOD for the Honour of Spain\" But all conflicts are FINITE and the ENGLISH arrive to conquer the FRENCH and you have Food ~ Wine ~ Sustenance & Freedom ! All Englishmen are Gentlemen (and Gentle Lovers) and do not act like Animals towards our LADIES ! Thanks for sharing ~ Please check my SITE ~ Yours BRIAN (UK)

July 9th, 2018 09:07

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