Comments received on poems by Cedrick

I say no to acism
Goldfinch60 said:

Very fine write Cedric, I never could understand racism and why it is amongst this human breed, to me all are equal and should be treated with respect.

Welcome to MPS.

May 21st, 2021 00:40

I say no to acism
rosiedm said:

I agree ..what is racism .. does anyone really know..
Not liking someone because of a darker skin. That\'s crazy to me in.pale I\'m from.Ireland
I\'d love an olive skin instead of using fake tan
Why do people lie on beaches till they are burnt to achieve a darker shade
So to not like some one because of a skin shade doesn\'t make any sense
Does it become racism then because of not understanding their language
That\'s narrow mindedness and showing how uncultured they are of not wanting to like people because\" they\" don\'t speak their language or accept a different upbringing
And those people are usually untravelled and stuck in the same corner all their lives

May 20th, 2021 14:23

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