Comments received on poems by Chris Duffy
L. B. Mek said:
(one sipped breath, at a time
we find
life, awaiting our awareness
just gotta remember
each sip, is a gift
and we\'re one stifled breath
from that most permanent
and impotent of belated, regret...)
so much learned, wisdom
in such a short read
thanks for sharing, dear Poet
August 5th, 2022 03:00
L. B. Mek said:
(one sipped breath, at a time
we find
life, awaiting our awareness
just gotta remember
each sip, is a gift
and we\'re one stifled breath
from that most permanent
and impotent of belated, regret...)
so much learned, wisdom
in such a short read
thanks for sharing, dear Poet
August 5th, 2022 03:00
tallisman said:
Hi Chris, really thought this was really good, and it’s one of those poems that should be read outloud.
August 5th, 2022 00:54
tallisman said:
Hi Chris, really thought this was really good, and it’s one of those poems that should be read outloud.
August 5th, 2022 00:54
Doggerel Dave said:
I shouldn\'t, but I found this portrait of society going down the gurgler vastly entertaining by virtue of it\'s truth, Chris.
July 18th, 2022 07:40
Doggerel Dave said:
I shouldn\'t, but I found this portrait of society going down the gurgler vastly entertaining by virtue of it\'s truth, Chris.
July 18th, 2022 07:40
L. B. Mek said:
they turned one , decades ago
into a film studio
it burned down, and
I could understand
if no fire fighter was willing
to endanger their life
for a building, that was stolen
from them..
oh and
\'“We’ve had to chop the Police force.\'\'
yeah, down here
they\'re chopping, whole stations
and then, our mayor
promises, response time\'s
won\'t be affected, at all...
what kinda maths they do
in that council office
covenant, bubble
that, more with less
(oh and year on year rise
on deathly, crimes
have no relation, so they
tell us..)
July 18th, 2022 04:32
L. B. Mek said:
they turned one , decades ago
into a film studio
it burned down, and
I could understand
if no fire fighter was willing
to endanger their life
for a building, that was stolen
from them..
oh and
\'“We’ve had to chop the Police force.\'\'
yeah, down here
they\'re chopping, whole stations
and then, our mayor
promises, response time\'s
won\'t be affected, at all...
what kinda maths they do
in that council office
covenant, bubble
that, more with less
(oh and year on year rise
on deathly, crimes
have no relation, so they
tell us..)
July 18th, 2022 04:32
Shall we?
lalalaEulalie said:
I enjoyed the interesting contrasts in the questions you posed and how you evoke personal reflection on the short-sightedness, vanity, and futility of our lives.
Thank you for sharing your work!
July 17th, 2022 01:43
lalalaEulalie said:
I enjoyed the interesting contrasts in the questions you posed and how you evoke personal reflection on the short-sightedness, vanity, and futility of our lives.
Thank you for sharing your work!
July 17th, 2022 01:43
Treasure in the shed.
Doggerel Dave said:
I\'m sure there\'s some stuff there which would be quite handy - when can I come round, Chris? Mind you, I\'d have to clear out my kitchen cupboard first.....
July 16th, 2022 20:47
Doggerel Dave said:
I\'m sure there\'s some stuff there which would be quite handy - when can I come round, Chris? Mind you, I\'d have to clear out my kitchen cupboard first.....
July 16th, 2022 20:47
tallisman said:
Superb poem, really well constructed, a natural rhythm..really good!
July 12th, 2022 00:23
tallisman said:
Superb poem, really well constructed, a natural rhythm..really good!
July 12th, 2022 00:23
Chris Duffy said:
Thank you my friend..
The kindest words just when I needed them .
July 11th, 2022 13:09
Chris Duffy said:
Thank you my friend..
The kindest words just when I needed them .
July 11th, 2022 13:09
Chris Duffy said:
Thank you my friend..
The kindest words just when I needed them .
July 11th, 2022 13:09
Chris Duffy said:
Thank you my friend..
The kindest words just when I needed them .
July 11th, 2022 13:09
L. B. Mek said:
our most fallible, trait
I fear
is our ability, to adapt
and our insatiable, thirst
to squeeze more, out of life..
sadly, most of us
have to first lose
which we cherish the most
to appreciate
it\'s reappearance in our life
and so we covet, that first love
we lost
while knowing, had it not been
for the lessons we learned
we wouldn\'t be holding-on
so tight, this time round...
I too have apologies, due
for those I let down
and each time I read
the feeble words, my lingering guilt
has morphed in-to poetic ink
I wince and can barely finish
the read..
and so I laud, anyone
who can own their Truth, with such
sincerity and humility!
thank for sharing, dear Poet
\'I hope your intent, reaches
that heart
you so wish to help heal\'
July 11th, 2022 02:23
L. B. Mek said:
our most fallible, trait
I fear
is our ability, to adapt
and our insatiable, thirst
to squeeze more, out of life..
sadly, most of us
have to first lose
which we cherish the most
to appreciate
it\'s reappearance in our life
and so we covet, that first love
we lost
while knowing, had it not been
for the lessons we learned
we wouldn\'t be holding-on
so tight, this time round...
I too have apologies, due
for those I let down
and each time I read
the feeble words, my lingering guilt
has morphed in-to poetic ink
I wince and can barely finish
the read..
and so I laud, anyone
who can own their Truth, with such
sincerity and humility!
thank for sharing, dear Poet
\'I hope your intent, reaches
that heart
you so wish to help heal\'
July 11th, 2022 02:23
False Prophets.
L. B. Mek said:
\'they wrote, Adam
never knew he was naked
till that illusion of naïve
was taken from him..
we too, dear Poet
don\'t recognise, we\'re
till, fate rolls a Ferrari
in our face..
before then, before
stared at those model
we, thought we
just, like everyone else
only recognising, our
ragged teeth
when, strangers - shunned
our smiling happiness...\'
make us feel, like
we don\'t belong
the minute, they start
to make us compare
and compete
with those by our sides
we feel, too - removed
from having the capacity
to compare and compete
with the Ferrari\'s and Models
and saintly, mirage existence\'s
of the world)
it takes knowing, realising
that, not having
a Ferrari or looking like a model
is how \'imperfectly : Perfect\'
nature, meant us all
to be
and that\'s just, fine..
we can, scrape away their
manipulative veils
and recognise, the veracity
of our worth, then
it\'s all so easy
to see their tricks and games
and appreciate
the freedom, afforded to those
who choose
their own, fated paths in life..
(thanks for sharing, a great read
dear Poet)
\'theology, just one
of their methods
for division and hate, to fuel
our segregated, mindsets\'
we must overcome
gather, as one
and heal each other
so we can end their cycle
of inherited, tribalism
it begins, when
we empower ourselves, to forgive
and choose, Love
over, anger and revenge\'s
for They, will forever Win
as long as we choose to indulge
in indignant fury and wage wars
for battles, that can never be won
while humanity\'s divisions, run
in the annals of Time...
July 5th, 2022 03:23
L. B. Mek said:
\'they wrote, Adam
never knew he was naked
till that illusion of naïve
was taken from him..
we too, dear Poet
don\'t recognise, we\'re
till, fate rolls a Ferrari
in our face..
before then, before
stared at those model
we, thought we
just, like everyone else
only recognising, our
ragged teeth
when, strangers - shunned
our smiling happiness...\'
make us feel, like
we don\'t belong
the minute, they start
to make us compare
and compete
with those by our sides
we feel, too - removed
from having the capacity
to compare and compete
with the Ferrari\'s and Models
and saintly, mirage existence\'s
of the world)
it takes knowing, realising
that, not having
a Ferrari or looking like a model
is how \'imperfectly : Perfect\'
nature, meant us all
to be
and that\'s just, fine..
we can, scrape away their
manipulative veils
and recognise, the veracity
of our worth, then
it\'s all so easy
to see their tricks and games
and appreciate
the freedom, afforded to those
who choose
their own, fated paths in life..
(thanks for sharing, a great read
dear Poet)
\'theology, just one
of their methods
for division and hate, to fuel
our segregated, mindsets\'
we must overcome
gather, as one
and heal each other
so we can end their cycle
of inherited, tribalism
it begins, when
we empower ourselves, to forgive
and choose, Love
over, anger and revenge\'s
for They, will forever Win
as long as we choose to indulge
in indignant fury and wage wars
for battles, that can never be won
while humanity\'s divisions, run
in the annals of Time...
July 5th, 2022 03:23
False Prophets.
tallisman said:
Hi Chris, a super write! Enjoyed reading it and totally agree…
July 5th, 2022 00:58
tallisman said:
Hi Chris, a super write! Enjoyed reading it and totally agree…
July 5th, 2022 00:58
False Prophets.
Doggerel Dave said:
Chris, I often have trouble reading pieces more than three to four stanzas long; I had none with this one - It\'s truth shines through.
Only issue for me would be that some folks do need (not I) a belief in life after death and the easiest reinforcement comes, for most, in organised religion. Good luck to those individuals, so long as their beliefs do not impinge on my life.
Many thanks.
July 4th, 2022 19:43
Doggerel Dave said:
Chris, I often have trouble reading pieces more than three to four stanzas long; I had none with this one - It\'s truth shines through.
Only issue for me would be that some folks do need (not I) a belief in life after death and the easiest reinforcement comes, for most, in organised religion. Good luck to those individuals, so long as their beliefs do not impinge on my life.
Many thanks.
July 4th, 2022 19:43
Mum\'s Words
sadkw33n said:
What a great son you are. You took all her advices at heart. She must be proud to have raised such a child🙂
June 25th, 2022 00:49
sadkw33n said:
What a great son you are. You took all her advices at heart. She must be proud to have raised such a child🙂
June 25th, 2022 00:49
Mum\'s Words
tallisman said:
I like your mum! Great words well presented….awesome!
June 24th, 2022 13:47
tallisman said:
I like your mum! Great words well presented….awesome!
June 24th, 2022 13:47
Billy Nixon\'s Goldfish
Goldfinch60 said:
Good fun words Chris. I could never hook the right duck!
June 19th, 2022 00:41
Goldfinch60 said:
Good fun words Chris. I could never hook the right duck!
June 19th, 2022 00:41
Marion and Ronnie
tallisman said:
Always so funny! I look forward to these, I know they are going to be hilariously good! Thanks Chris…
June 1st, 2022 00:38
tallisman said:
Always so funny! I look forward to these, I know they are going to be hilariously good! Thanks Chris…
June 1st, 2022 00:38
Chris Duffy said:
Hello my friend.
Many thanks for the kind critique of my general silliness.
Some didn’t understand that it was comedy!
I thought I was losing my sense of observational humour..
Very kind words for which I’m truly grateful and overwhelmed.
Kindest regards.
May 23rd, 2022 08:23
Chris Duffy said:
Hello my friend.
Many thanks for the kind critique of my general silliness.
Some didn’t understand that it was comedy!
I thought I was losing my sense of observational humour..
Very kind words for which I’m truly grateful and overwhelmed.
Kindest regards.
May 23rd, 2022 08:23
Chris Duffy said:
Hello my friend.
Many thanks for the kind critique of my general silliness.
Some didn’t understand that it was comedy!
I thought I was losing my sense of observational humour..
Very kind words for which I’m truly grateful and overwhelmed.
Kindest regards.
May 23rd, 2022 08:23
Chris Duffy said:
Hello my friend.
Many thanks for the kind critique of my general silliness.
Some didn’t understand that it was comedy!
I thought I was losing my sense of observational humour..
Very kind words for which I’m truly grateful and overwhelmed.
Kindest regards.
May 23rd, 2022 08:23
L. B. Mek said:
\'They’d gone to call’t Samaritans he made em all bereft.\'
the thinly masked, witty cynicism
imbued in your lines, killed me..
(I\'m not sure if there\'s something wrong with me
but I genuinely laughed reading
your subtle inferences
to some people\'s self-absorbed
and forgive me, but I couldn\'t help connect - in theme
your write, to that
beginning of Dostoevsky\'s \'Crime and Punishment\'
where the despicable \'Marmeladov\'
goes-on about his woes
while detailing
all the suffering, his choices
his family with, especially
his Daughter...
(just a great read, dear Poet
I genuinely think it a privilege
when afforded to read
such polished writing
thank you!)
May 23rd, 2022 05:04
L. B. Mek said:
\'They’d gone to call’t Samaritans he made em all bereft.\'
the thinly masked, witty cynicism
imbued in your lines, killed me..
(I\'m not sure if there\'s something wrong with me
but I genuinely laughed reading
your subtle inferences
to some people\'s self-absorbed
and forgive me, but I couldn\'t help connect - in theme
your write, to that
beginning of Dostoevsky\'s \'Crime and Punishment\'
where the despicable \'Marmeladov\'
goes-on about his woes
while detailing
all the suffering, his choices
his family with, especially
his Daughter...
(just a great read, dear Poet
I genuinely think it a privilege
when afforded to read
such polished writing
thank you!)
May 23rd, 2022 05:04
tallisman said:
Hi Chris, as always so funny and well put together! Your photograph was the wrong one though, the loos must have belonged to the rich folks, they had toilet seats!
May 23rd, 2022 00:26
tallisman said:
Hi Chris, as always so funny and well put together! Your photograph was the wrong one though, the loos must have belonged to the rich folks, they had toilet seats!
May 23rd, 2022 00:26
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