Comments received on poems by screaming goat.

Eugene S. said:

Quips of existence that strike true. πŸ‘βœŒοΈ

December 20th, 2022 01:27

Neville said:

I don\'t have a clue, but that doesn\'t mean a great deal .. I don\'t have cataracts anymore either, yet still occasionally fail to see what is right in front of my nose ... Neville

September 1st, 2022 13:17

The new ones
L. B. Mek said:

great to see your Poetic growth
appreciate the literary \'breath\'
you\'ve used to pace this poem
and the balance you found
between abstract and characterisation
a truly impressive Poem
and your wording and tonality
has the resonance of a wise soul
keep striving, growing
I very much doubt your poetic talent
will ever let you down, your talent
is unique!
thanks for sharing, forgive me
if my comment comes across as rude or derogatory
I meant no disrespect, dear poet
(just a fool, getting a little overzealous)

August 19th, 2022 03:10

Dopamine and Serotonin
Rocky Lagou said:

Wow. I\'ma be real that last line was KILLERRR! I was honestly expecting this to stay \"gloomy\" from beginning to end but what you\'ve written is so true. Sadness is the one that makes us reflect on our lives and choose to either \"fly\" or \"remain the same.\" Wonderful.

May 20th, 2022 08:44

Container Full of Weights
Rocky Lagou said:

Seems like an unbearable burden. I know that feeling though. Life is like a balance act, we must balance our priorities and responsibilities. Hope you\'re alright.

May 13th, 2022 08:52

screaming goat. said:

Thank you guys!

May 6th, 2022 08:45

Zoia Siena said:

Nice poetry. I like the simple words it has.

April 27th, 2022 15:33

Rocky Lagou said:

Deep and poignant. I can relate to this state of \"just being\" where it feels like you\'re in between happy and sad. Hope it gets better!

April 27th, 2022 08:52

MR.apocalypse said:

a musical way to express a certain wisdom keep spreading wisdom

April 27th, 2022 08:15

Roses of the world, the mind, and the Earth.
FallenAngel1πŸ•Š said:

Who ever said poetry has to rhyme. I do love a poem with a nice rhyming rhythm that rolls off the toung so smoothly. But poetry doesn’t have to rhyme. I’ve even heard it said that poetry has but one rule. Always write from your heart. CheersπŸ₯‚πŸŒΉπŸ•ŠπŸŒž

April 9th, 2022 00:19

You think I\'m any better?
screaming goat. said:

Thank you, guys.

March 21st, 2022 07:40

You think I\'m any better?
L. B. Mek said:

\'Like the fire and sun,
it brings light,
but there\'s a limit.
Once it gets too bright,
it\'s useless.\'
an apt metaphor
for how to handle faith and belief
in your life
without, you ending up, some mindless zealot
be free to trust, or entrust
in whatever you want
but never forget, you control your destiny
so be glad of the Sun\'s, nourishing gifts
but always be prepared to face
that moonlight of reality..
you showcase wise insight
at a seemingly young age
it bodes well for your future, hopefully..
thanks for sharing, dear poet

March 21st, 2022 05:58

You think I\'m any better?
Crowns4Christ said:

Sometimes family can be the hardest to handle.
It\'s bad when someone you just met understands and loves you more than your own flesh and blood, I completely understand where you\'re coming from

March 20th, 2022 22:25

People Pleasers
Younique said:

That\'s a good question; Is there really an in between?

March 9th, 2022 18:24

People Pleasers
orchidee said:

Abraham Lincoln aid (or adapted it from a poet):
\"You can please some of the people all of the time.
You can please all of the people some of the time.
But you can\'t please all of the people all of the time.\"
Just have to be you! lol.

March 9th, 2022 12:32

World without pain
Rocky Lagou said:

Exactly! The hardships in life are set to make us work harder and to solve the issues in life. They make us stronger!

March 7th, 2022 09:12

What makes evil?
Rocky Lagou said:

I feel we all have our good and bad sides internally tucked away. We just enable the side that\'s fitting for the situation. Well done and good take on morality! ✨✍

March 4th, 2022 09:59

Stars on fire
Rocky Lagou said:

Nicely done! The day the \"pain finally ceases\" is the day I\'ll feel solace. Kudos to you! πŸ’–πŸ‘

February 16th, 2022 10:43

Rocky Lagou said:

Wow this was a desolate poem. Lovely job though! I appreciate your frankness and the sense of despair that seeps through our minds from time to time. πŸ’•πŸ‘

February 15th, 2022 11:32

These memories of mine
Rocky Lagou said:

Wow, Happy Valentine\'s! Also the first sentence sent spoke so true to me. Nice poem! πŸ‘πŸ’–

February 14th, 2022 09:56

Draven said:

Wonderful concept and nicely written.

February 10th, 2022 14:27

Rocky Lagou said:

Nice poem! I enjoyed the metaphor of the glasses. Cleverly done! πŸ‘

February 10th, 2022 09:26

guilt or loss
Alexander Pope III said:


February 4th, 2022 22:09

guilt or loss
Draven said:

A strong message in a well written piece. Thanks for sharing. xx

January 28th, 2022 14:52

Draven said:

Interesting write, it calls out and has a longing to it. Well done

January 25th, 2022 08:57

World of Worry
Caring dove said:

Some people worry so much , and sometimes that’s all we do .. we focus on the negative ,

A good writing )

January 19th, 2022 12:15

Peeling Potatoes
Paul Bell said:

Love the metaphor.
The boring process of peeling potatoes that takes you on that journey of despair.

January 14th, 2022 09:54

Chest still breathing
Paul Bell said:

If you can write like that when you\'re bored, god knows what you can write when you start to really write.

January 14th, 2022 09:51

orchidee said:

Good write SG.

January 13th, 2022 10:18

Peeling Potatoes
orchidee said:

Chips, please! heehee.

January 9th, 2022 03:22

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