Comments received on poems by JBentley

Strong Side of Wrong
JBentley said:

Thank you.

May 23rd, 2024 10:19

Strong Side of Wrong
RSM0812 said:

Very impactful. Powerfully written.

May 23rd, 2024 10:14

Bein’ Real
JBentley said:

Thank you for your kind words.

April 22nd, 2024 20:52

Bein’ Real
Mason Vollman said:

So powerful and true. Beautiful write. JBently! ❤️

April 22nd, 2024 20:05

The View from Coal Country
JBentley said:

Since I’ve actually seen war, I understand how lesser men sit in their protected places and criticize those of us who provide that protection.

February 6th, 2024 19:54

The View from Coal Country
Doggerel Dave said:

Bumped into you on the poetic parade today.
And despite my misgivings (I\'m anti war and your photo isn\'t encouraging) decided to take a closer look anyway.
Of all your poems I read, I\'d vote for this one, I think.
Good stuff.

February 6th, 2024 19:45

In the Mist
Thomas W Case said:

Powerful write.

November 17th, 2023 22:21

Surviving Sympathy
JBentley said:

Thank you, Teddy.

November 10th, 2023 18:10

Surviving Sympathy
Teddy.15 said:

I\'m totally moved by this. Thank you for sharing. It\'s a kudos from me. Best wishes.

November 10th, 2023 18:04

His Grace
JBentley said:

Thank you for taking the time to read this and for commenting.

August 27th, 2023 13:49

His Grace
orchidee said:

Good write J.

August 27th, 2023 13:42

Lonely Ole Lonesome
Bobby O said:

I feel you and I feel the lines paint your inner rollercoastered emotional Bane. I did a rekease with the pen to , like you, engage a cathartic salve. Maybe check it out?

August 14th, 2023 13:52

Damaged Goods
JBentley said:

Thank you. It was my honor to serve for the people of this nation who appreciate liberty.

Joe Bentley

August 10th, 2023 17:58

Damaged Goods
Parisab said:

Very powerful demonstration of how the combat mind is shaped! Saluting those who serve and protect!

August 10th, 2023 17:51

The Abuser’s Eyes
Firefall said:

You really captured the cycle of abuse. I recently read It didn\'t start with you by Mark Wolynn. It\'s about breaking the cycle of family trauma. You might find interesting.

August 9th, 2023 19:43