Comments received on poems by Mehrangaiz

Who To Call
sorenbarrett said:

We all had no choice of being who we are. Parents had the coice to bring someone here or not and like pulling the arm of a slot machine you get what you get. Mothers should never blame their children for being like their spouse for it was they that made the choice not the child. Well written

July 20th, 2024 10:45

16 Years of Small Talk
2781 said:

Take the fifth.

July 8th, 2024 00:30

Amalgamation of Beliefs
Kinsey Peterson said:

I particularly appreciate the line \"Thrashing like a monster snarling to be let out of its rusting chains\" as it depicts how long this issue has been tearing apart at the speaker. I truly hope this piece is not about you, as your words are beautiful and one can see the effort that was put into this wonderful poem.

February 22nd, 2024 13:43

Freedom, A Ruthless Fight
Parisab said:

Very good write, describing medical treatment with surgical precision and yet beautiful metaphors serpent and trees describing the body’s experience

February 18th, 2024 16:28

Freedom, A Ruthless Fight
Alan R said:

The last line reminds me of the quote from Franz Kafka...
\"I am free and that is why I am lost\"

February 18th, 2024 10:02

Courtesy of The Love I Will Never Receive
Alan R said:

Brilliant title choice

January 23rd, 2024 08:12