Comments received on poems by regenoku

real love
Vishakha said:

I feel like I could just make a song out of it. Truely, a gem.

August 31st, 2024 16:31

up and down
Mase ♪ said:

Beautiful write Zelda!

August 28th, 2024 00:23

up and down
Doggerel Dave said:

I can feel that, just as you have expressed it. But you do know that it is a temporary thing and will pass, don\'t you Zelda?

August 26th, 2024 16:48

up and down
sorenbarrett said:

Live for the good times they do come. Nice write

August 26th, 2024 16:08

there was a time
Dan Williams said:

A very good reason to ignore what people say. Everybody dreams, no? Good work.

August 24th, 2024 00:05

there was a time
sorenbarrett said:

Young love not so much in years but in heart. You would be crazy not to follow it give up everything and even if you loose you win for a life without regrets. Lovely

August 23rd, 2024 05:52

there was a time
Cassie58 said:

Never give up on your dreams. They aren’t always easily achieved. You have to work on them. A fine write Zelda. Happy Friday.

August 23rd, 2024 05:07

Alan R said:

Beautiful write!

August 23rd, 2024 01:00

there was a time
regenoku said:

tysm mason

August 23rd, 2024 00:38

there was a time
Mase ♪ said:

Beautiful write!

August 23rd, 2024 00:33

regenoku said:

ty mackenz

August 22nd, 2024 14:53

켄지 영원히 사랑한다💗 said:

Amazing poem Cayde 👍

August 22nd, 2024 14:23

Neville said:

I can see that you have a real talent for this poetry thing we all have such a liking for .. I seriously hope you keep it up and am glad I passed by this way today ..

All Good Things, Neville

August 22nd, 2024 13:07

what if i die ?????
falcon_mn said:

This is eternal fear of a human!
To die is what is given by God to every Gods creature.
So it is important to live.
To live in full capacity to live and take care of our life\'s and the time which is given to us.
Our task is to make something of our life\'s To live to create to help to love to believe to work to be useful.
To use the time we are given !

August 22nd, 2024 12:39

falcon_mn said:

Hi Zelda
Great you write poetry!
At age of 13 it is amazing.
I started writing poetry when I was 19
Newer give up!
Keep on writing.
It is also very important to read poetry.
Reading poetry gives you new ideas.
You will learn new words new ideas how to express your thoughts.
Keep on writing!

August 22nd, 2024 12:33

what if i die ?????
Doggerel Dave said:

It\'s funny - when I was quite young , I used to worry about death a lot.
Now I\'m 82, kicking 83, it doesn\'t worry me at all....whatever will be will.....

August 22nd, 2024 08:34

what if i die ?????
Maplespal said:

The only way to bring them with you is to focus on them as you die.
Hopefully a memory of them arrives with you in the next life and is a source of inspiration throughout it.

August 22nd, 2024 05:21

sorenbarrett said:

Dilema well expressed. Love is a complicated thing.

August 22nd, 2024 04:34

what if i die ?????
sorenbarrett said:

A thought that anyone in a relationship has. Nicely expressed leaving it to the reader to answer. I like this approach because every one has their own answer

August 22nd, 2024 04:23

what if i die ?????
Thoughtless said:

Unfortunately, even when someone is with you, from my experience, dying is a lonely experience. Mostly for those who keep watch. I know this from watching friends and family who have died. The sadness is palpable.

August 21st, 2024 22:24

for my grandma
Dan Williams said:

I hope I can be as gracious at the end. Nice work.

August 21st, 2024 00:04

for my grandma
Tony36 said:

Great write

August 20th, 2024 16:21

for my grandma
Cheeky Missy said:

Very, very lovely, evocative and charming. Excellent imagery and word usage. You\'re still young, however, when I was your age I was just as hopeful, dreaming so much of a grand day when I could imagine a book of my collected poetical endeavors published, that I collated a book of them with what resources I could find. They were much simpler than what you see me posting here.
Read the poetry you most admire and you\'ll begin to learn how to follow in that vein.
This beauty is delicate and sweet, loaded to taste and winsome.
Thank you for sharing.

August 20th, 2024 16:20

for my grandma
sorenbarrett said:

Sweet and such a wonderful thought. Nicely expressed in a poem. Very nice.

August 20th, 2024 15:34

for my grandma
Mase ♪ said:

Aww such a beautiful write. 🌹

August 20th, 2024 13:57

for my grandma
켄지 영원히 사랑한다💗 said:

Good poem zelda

August 20th, 2024 13:53

Doggerel Dave said:

They are a mixed bag, aren\'t they? But the sad ones get easier over the years....
Like it.

August 20th, 2024 02:07

Saxon Crow said:

What a lovely poem Z. You\'ve just summed up living.

August 20th, 2024 01:22

Mase ♪ said:

There are some memories I hope I\'ll never forget! Makes me smile. Beautiful write Zelda. 🌹

August 19th, 2024 22:28

sorenbarrett said:

So true Zelda memories are what much of life is made of. Nicely said Zelda

August 19th, 2024 17:55

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