Comments received on poems by alivia


It sounds to me like you may be a light warrior like myself...we tend to get ourselves so caught up in everyone else\'s drama that our own lives suffer the consequences and it will continue to happen because of our need to help\'s not an easy job...never hold back when you write...not even a little bit..and don\'t worry about wether or not you are going to please the other writing is extremely controversial and they either love it or hate it but I never hesitate to put anything out some of my manuscript and you will see for yourself...anyway, I thought this was good, but I can tell you may have have hesitated when you wrote it because, once again, it\'s that need to cater to others that we were born with...take care and keep writing

December 2nd, 2018 14:14

Silent Screams
Goldfinch60 said:

Families can seem to be uncaring sometimes, that is where good friends fill the void. Good write.

February 24th, 2017 14:19

Believed It
Dee said:

Love this work agf360 , so full of emotion and regret and I am sure many will relate to it.. It's wonderful to be able to write and share our feelings and emotions and hopefully you will feel a healing for the sharing of yours... A strong message to both men and women found in the reading of this excellent work... Both your works have touched deep...Bravo my friend...Dee

June 30th, 2016 07:47

Believed It
John Lee said:

That's what poetry is about! Pouring out your pain into words written because we don't have the strength to speak'em.. Nicely written! Remember, you're not a fool for believing and trusting someone you love. They're the fool for destroying a love so pure!

June 29th, 2016 23:25

missing you
John Lee said:

No correction from me, I feel the loneliness when I read it.. loved the rhyme.. guess what I'm tryna say is great write!

June 29th, 2016 23:13

Believed It

WELCOME AGF ~ Thanks for a very poignant and challenging first poem. Yes it is a LOVE poem ~ but the subject is Betrayed Love ! Despite the subject of betrayal the poem is beautifully constructed and replete with rhyme an rhythm. As I've grown older I have learned just how precious a females "virginity" is and I am ashamed of Men who treat it lightly. It's "surrender" is not only physiological but also psychological which make rape such a horrendous crime. The same is true (as your poem suggests) of females who are tricked into surrendering their "V" by insincere promises of eternal love. Your poem is a warning to all Ladies to cherish their "V" and to all Men to respect it ! Thanks for caring and sharing ~ Yours BRIAN.

June 28th, 2016 16:24