Poetry blog

We keep you updated on the world of poetry with our news roundups.

Recent posts

Busy Week for Cool Women Poets


It"s a busy week for the Cool Women Poets, a group of widely published poets from Princeton, New Jersey. The seven women started meeting in 1997 to critique and hone each others" work, a meeting that continues to this day. Along the way, each of the writers has built an impressive body of published work - but more importantly, both singly and as ...

Monday: The Poet’s Bookshelf


Every Monday we feature a book or books of special interest for poets and those who love poetry. This week, we"ve got a grab bag of books of writing exercises to help you focus your writing and hone your skills - or just plain have fun with writing. Writing Down the Bones (Natalie Goldberg) is a quintessential book of writing exercises and explorations by a ...