Poetry blog

We keep you updated on the world of poetry with our news roundups.

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Solstice Summer Writers’ Conference


The Solstice Summer Writers" Conference will take place at Pine Manor College in Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts June 16-24. Applications received by May 29 will receive priority consideration. The Solstice Writers Conference features daily lectures, workshops in poetry, fiction and creative non-fiction and nightly readings by noted writers and poets. This year"s poetry workshops will be led by Pulitzer-prize winning poet ...

Monday: The Poet’s Bookshelf


This week's bookshelf features two older favorites that are timeless in their artistry and information. Published in 1982 and 1968, Deutsch"s Poetry Handbook and Turco"s The Book of Forms offer enduring value to generation after generation of poet. There is a general belief that poets who embrace free verse scorn form and tradition, but nothing could be further from the truth. To examine the works of any contemporary poet is ...

New T.S. Eliot Letters to Be Published


AN ACADEMIC from York University is helping to unveil one of the 20th century"s most important literary archives, the bulk of which has been under wraps for more than 50 years, to the public. T. S. Eliot, the iconic contemporary poet, was a man intensely protective of his image, privacy and reputation. protective to the point that he openly asked friends and correspondents to burn his letters. For over two ...

Busy Week for Cool Women Poets


It"s a busy week for the Cool Women Poets, a group of widely published poets from Princeton, New Jersey. The seven women started meeting in 1997 to critique and hone each others" work, a meeting that continues to this day. Along the way, each of the writers has built an impressive body of published work - but more importantly, both singly and as ...

Monday: The Poet’s Bookshelf


Every Monday we feature a book or books of special interest for poets and those who love poetry. This week, we"ve got a grab bag of books of writing exercises to help you focus your writing and hone your skills - or just plain have fun with writing. Writing Down the Bones (Natalie Goldberg) is a quintessential book of writing exercises and explorations by a ...