A Tale of Two Cities


  • Original language: English
  • Genre: Novel
  • Book file uploaded by: PhDrSeuss, on the August 6th, 2010
  • Book file read: 1315 times
  • Rating: 8/10
  • Users favorite of this book: lulu

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  • topkat
    Year read: 1993
    Language: English

    I really liked it...it's one of my favorites.

  • M.E.M.
    Year read: 2020
    Language: English
    Pages: 330
    Rating: 6

    Lots, and lots, and lots of repetition. It got old fast. The beginning is odd, and I can’t tell who the story follows until a few chapters in. I like Lorry as a character and his transformation. I also like Darnay’s transformation. Some things that take place early on in the book make no sense, until they are used later, which-upon realizing- I really liked. It’s sad what happens to good men just trying to help out a friend.It’s hard to identify the antagonist at first, because it seems to be France and England. Then it becomes clearer in Book 3. I didn’t really like Carton, but he redeems himself in the end.
    I’m giving the book 6/10 because it couldn’t hold my attention long enough, and was not as exciting as I was hoping for.

  • Hinnant
    Year read: 2018
    Language: English
    Rating: 10

    One of my favorite books. But I like British Lit. so... It can seem slow and confusing because it does jump around because you are trying to piece together what happened in the past and why it applies to the present, then there is the travel between countries. But if you can hang in the climax and resolution are worth it. Set in the midst of the French Revolution you get a real insight into the extent to which human beings are capable of inhumanity but at the same time how others can become heroes.

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