- Original language: English
- Genre: Unclassified
- Book file uploaded by: Cheeky Missy, on the November 4th, 2010
- Book file read: 1505 times
- Rating: 9.8/10
- Users favorite of this book: OxfordSkills, HannahElisabeth
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Rating: 10
Definitely one of my favorite books ever. The language was a little hard at first since it was my first Jane Austen book, but I got used to it and I loved it. 🙂
Rating: 10
England's social and economic status had made woman limit her endeavour in searching a suitable match.........Jane's autobiographical novel is a must read for all who love literature
I love the classics and Pride & Prejudice is definitely up there. Even for those who don't particularly like classic literature, it's a must read for the simple reason that it's educational
Language: English
Pages: 432
Rating: 9
At first it was hard to understand with the way this sentence were structured. After reading a few chapters I read the Spark Notes summary to better understand. There’s no hiding the theme of pride, or the message it is supposed to send. Austen very often and blatantly uses and talks about pride and what it does to people. There are a surprise amount of funny scenes. This really is a timeless book. Broken down to its the most basic level, “Pride and Prejudice” is still very much relevant today. I love the characters and just about everything else in this book.
Language: English
Classic British Lit. one of my favorites. Since it was published in 1813 the language can be a challenge. But it's well worth the effort.
Rating: 10
Read during school days and one particular that I am grateful for being introduced to.
Enjoyable and heartwarming, this story (and the BBC version pictured in the thumbnail another fav) should be compulsory reading for children.
For those that find the dialogue tricky, it's well worth the persistence and personally one of my favourite elements.