Charles Wright Poems


Charles Wright is a Pulitzer Prize-winning American poet who, in his 79th year, was appointed Poet Laureate of the United States, a role that he filled from June 2014 until May 2015.  As well as writing he has had a long teaching career at various establishments including being Souder Family Professor of English at Charlottesville’s University of Virginia. He was born on the 25th August ...

Philip Levine Poems


Philip Levine was a prize-winning American writer and university lecturer who rose from a working class background in Detroit to become one of his country’s greatest poets.  Among many honours and awards came the ultimate prize, when he was into his eighties.  In 2011 he was appointed Poet Laureate of the United States, a post which he filled for two years. He was born ...

Ted Kooser Poems


Ted Kooser is a US poet and university lecturer who has also spent time in the life insurance industry and was the editor of a newspaper for a time.  Many honours and awards have come his way, the most prestigious being his appointment in 2004 to the post of Poet Laureate Consultant in Poetry to the Library of Congress. He filled this role for two years and ...

Charles Simic Poems


Charles Simic is a Serbian-born, Pulitzer Prize-winning American poet and university lecturer.  He has taught at the University of New Hampshire since 1973 and is currently professor emeritus of American literature and creative writing.  He was nominated three times for the Pulitzer award, winning it once in 1990 for The World Doesn't End, but his greatest achievement came in 2007 when he was appointed 15th ...

Robert Pinsky Poems


Robert Pinsky is an US university lecturer, literary critic and poet who has also produced a number of works of translation, most notably a collaboration with Robert Hass and Renata Gorczynski to translate the work of Polish poet Czesław Miłosz.  Amongst his many honours and awards was his appointment as Poet Laureate Consultant in Poetry to the Library of Congress between the years 1997-2000. He was born ...