Edith M Thomas Poems


Edith M Thomas was a poet described by the New York Times as “one of the most distinguished of American poets” following her death in 1925. She lived much of her life in New York City and her poetry style was said to “capture successfully the excitement of the modern city” Many others followed suit, but she was one of the first to do this. She was born ...

Edmund Clarence Stedman Poems


Edmund Clarence Stedman was a poet hailing from America, along with an essayist and literary critic. He also worked as a journalist, banker and a scientist at different times. He was born on the 8th October 1833 in Hartford, Connecticut, the son of a retired army Major who died of tuberculosis when his son was only two years old. His mother took the family to ...

Daniel Henry Deniehy Poems


Daniel Henry Deniehy was an Australian-born poet, journalist, lawyer and politician of Irish descent. He was a great orator and fervent campaigner in New South Wales for independence from colonial rule. He was born on the 18th August 1828 in Sydney. His parents were ex-convicts who had been transported from Ireland and who had done well from themselves since obtaining their freedom. They could ...

William Howitt Poems


William Howitt was an English poet who also published books on the natural world, religion and history. His output was substantial, numbering over fifty titles on different subjects. He was born on the 18th December 1792 in the small Derbyshire town of Heanor. As his parents were Quakers they sent him to the Friends public school in Ackworth, West Yorkshire. He was a keen ...

William Hunnis Poems


William Hunnis was a 16th century English poet, composer of religious music and a playwright. His strong Protestant faith caused him occasional alarms at a time when religious tensions were everywhere in Europe. His skill as a musician and composer earned him a place at the Chapel Royal during the early1550s. Little is known of his origins but it is believed that he was ...