William Johnson Cory Poems


William Johnson Cory was a 19th century English poet whose most famous works were written in Latin. He was also a popular teacher at the famous Eton public school before being asked to resign in controversial circumstances after almost thirty years service. Became into the world as William Johnson on the 9th January 1823 in the Devon village of Great Torrington. He was sent ...

William Charles Wentworth Poems


William Charles Wentworth was an Australian-born poet, explorer, journalist, jockey and politician who was one of those who campaigned vigorously on behalf of colonial self-government. There are doubts about his true date of birth but some reports say that he was born on the 13th August 1790 into a family with links to an old aristocratic family of Irish descent, at least on his ...

William Julius Mickle Poems


William Julius Mickle was an 18th century Scottish poet and translator. He was born William Julius Meikle on the 29th September 1734 in Langholm, Dumfriesshire, which is now part of the region called Dumfries and Galloway in south west Scotland. His father was the Reverend Alexander Meikle, a minister at the parish church but, other than that, little is known of Mickle’s early life. On ...

William Oldys Poems


William Oldys was an English poet, bibliographer and antiquarian who was known to be fastidious in his life-long task of recording historical data. He was born on the 14th July 1696, probably in London, and it is believed that his early years were fraught with difficulty. He was the illegitimate son of Dr William Oldys, a chancellor of Lincoln and advocate of the Admiralty, ...

William Pember Reeves Poems


William Pember Reeves was a New Zealand-born poet, historian, journalist, lawyer and social reforming politician who spent much of his later life living in England. He was born on the 10th February 1857 in Christchurch, only a matter of weeks after his parents had arrived on their arduous sea voyage from England. They sent young William to prep school in Christchurch and he ...