William Walsh Poems


William Walsh was an British poet and also an MP. He was, perhaps, best remembered as a literary critic. His most famous work in that line was with a young poet destined for greatness called Alexander Pope. The two became close and Pope took on board any criticism offered by his friend, thus improving his own work. He was born on the 6th ...

William Warner Poems


Little is known about the life of English poet, translator and lawyer William Warner although he made his mark on the history of English literature with his best known piece of work, Albion’s England. He was born sometime during the year 1558 in London. It seems that he had already lost his father by the time of his birth as, in passages from Albion’s ...

William Wetmore Story Poems


William Wetmore Story was a US born  art critic, poet, sculptor and essayist. He lived in Italy for much of his life and it was a coincidence that he died in the very place that had inspired him to write an earlier travel journal in 1881. The town, and journal, was called Vallombrosa. He was born on the 12th February 1819,  his father a Massachusetts jurist. ...

William Winter Poems


William Winter was an American poet, essayist, theatre critic and biographer. He was born on the 15th July 1836 in the coastal town of Gloucester, Massachusetts. Little is known of his formative years other than to say that he attended Harvard Law School and graduated in 1857. Rather than choose a career at the bar he had ambitions to be a writer and he ...

Winifred Mary Letts Poems


Winifred Mary Letts was an English poet, novelist and playwright who lived much of her life in Ireland. In 1914 some of her poetry was set to music by the Irish composer Sir Charles Villiers Stanford who took six poems and called them A Sheaf of Songs from Leinster. The best known of these is one called A Soft Day. She came into the world ...