Walter James Redfern Turner Poems


The Australian-born poet, playwright, novelist and music critic Walter James Redfern Turner lived in England from his early 20s and it was here that he made his name as a writer, remaining there for the rest of his life apart from a brief spell just before the outbreak of the First World War. He was born on the 13th October 1884 in South Melbourne ...

William Forster Poems


William Forster was an Indian-born, Australian poet and politician who wrote a great deal of cutting satire, mostly aimed at the colonial government. He only eased up on these attacks when he took his seat in parliament, serving there for many years. He was acting Premier during a five-month period between 1859-60. He was born on the 16th October 1818 in Madras while ...

Wallace Berman Poems


Although Wallace Berman was an occasional American poet he was best known as an “assemblage” artist. In other words, he specialised in three-dimensional art, putting together diverse materials and shapes to create artistic forms. He was actually known as the “father” of 20th century assemblage art. While living in San Francisco he ran a low-circulation but influential arts magazine called Semina which ...

William Thomas Goodge Poems


The English-born, Australian writer, usually known by his initials, rather than his Christian name William, began his literary career as a journalist on the North Sydney Tribune, a weekly paper. He subsequently worked for a number of other publications while writing a great deal of “bush” poetry along the way. He was born William Thomas Goodge on the 28th September 1862 in London. ...

Washington Allston Poems


Washington Allston was an American poet and artist who was, perhaps, best known for being a pioneer in the American Romantic movement of landscape painting. As an artist he was an exponent of bold colours and dramatic scenes while his poetry was well liked during his lifetime. Some called him the "American Titian", in honour of his Venetian Renaissance style of painting. He spent ...