Cats Comforts


This may sound like a hymn-poem title

With the often alliteration

(long word there for this time of the morning, says Fido!)


But cats - and dogs - as well as people know

Know when we may need comfort

They will jump up on your lap

If they can fit on your lap

Or on to your bed


They'll come to you

Not only for food!

They'll stay a while

Your furry friends!


They might not all be talking, reading

Or checking poems for 18+ tick-box omissions like Fido does....

But pets for company in old age

Or whatever age one is


Feed them fresh or luxury foods too often

Adn they may get fussy

And may not eat anything else


They're sentient, feelings beings

Never 'dumb' animals.....

  • Author: orchidee (Offline Offline)
  • Published: September 4th, 2024 01:45
  • Comment from author about the poem: A pet-tale for you.
  • Category: Reflection
  • Views: 43
  • Users favorite of this poem: Cheeky Missy
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  • Michael Edwards

    Indeed - my little Stanley is always in my lap -

    • orchidee

      Thanks M. Ahh, lovely Stanley! One of our two cats is a big black tom.

    • Cassie58

      So right Orchi and our cat senses when I can do with a cuddle and so does my dog. Never dumb. That is reserved for some of our own species. Hoping that today is kind to you.

      • orchidee

        Thanks Cassie. They know - those pets.... Some ongoing health matters here.

        • Cassie58

          I hope the problem is soon resolved . Take care.

        • sorenbarrett

          Orchi A nice tribute to our furry friends. I have had pets in the past and have enjoyed them all. They seem truer and more faithful than people.

          • orchidee

            Thanks SB. I of course, as some say, have giant hamsters - as in my pic! For the umpteenth time, they are guinea pigs. lol.

          • Tom Dylan

            Nicely done. And agree. Our pets need spoiling. My black Labrador eats better than I do. 🙂

            • orchidee

              Thanks Tom. They can get fussy. Luxury food one day, then they want it every day! lol.

            • Tony36


              • orchidee

                Thanks Tony.

                • Tony36

                  You're welcome

                • Doggerel Dave

                  So those humpsters you have.....

                  Good plea - you can extrapolate your argument to all animals - think before you eat them......

                  • orchidee

                    Thanks Dave.

                    • Doggerel Dave

                      You don't deserve the acclamation you have received here orchi - do you really believe 'thanks' up and down this column is enough reward for all the effort everyone put into reading and commenting here?????

                      • orchidee

                        I dunno what to elaborate on sometimes. Well - better than saying - 'Go away; it's a rubbish comment!' lol.
                        A poet kept putting 'Poor write' on poems. They hounded him off the site!

                        • Doggerel Dave

                          Is that why I've never seen that comment, despite that occasionally.....?

                          • orchidee

                            I must get hounded off the site. But it's not nice to find comments of 'Poor write' or 'I don't care for this poem much'.

                            • Doggerel Dave

                              Not nice at all. Just remember you have friends - your humpsters are very loyal - I've not seen them turn away the whole time I've been here.

                            • Cheeky Missy

                              I've had too long a love affair with felines, but love dogs and birds as well, to boot.
                              Lovely tribute to these charming friends and companions. Thank you for sharing!

                              • orchidee

                                Thanks CM.

                              • MR.apocalypse

                                ive always said i need a cat i can put in a bike basket and ride around town with

                                • orchidee

                                  Thanks MR. I saw one in town, but it wasn't happy, chained to the bicycle handle. Can't blame the cat for being unfriendly.

                                  • MR.apocalypse

                                    thats terrible

                                    • orchidee

                                      Yes - a guy takes the cat with him round town on his bike. It seems quaint and cute, but it's cruel. The cat gets bad-tempered.

                                      • MR.apocalypse

                                        just got to get a cat that enjoys it and dont leave it outside if you know your going to go somewhere just dont bring it

                                      • Rocky Lagou

                                        Agreed! All the pets I've had in my lifetime, and the precious pup I have today, remind me of the simplicity and peace that comes with being alive.

                                        • orchidee

                                          Thanks R.

                                        • Dan Williams

                                          I recently lost my dear companion of more than twenty years. Some people reacted to my grief by saying "it was only a cat". I have mostly pity for them. Thanks for this.

                                          • orchidee

                                            Thanks Dan. Aww, over 20 years - it\'s never \'only a pet\', is it?

                                          • Goldfinch60

                                            Such very true words 0rchi, pets do help so mnay people in their lives.


                                            • orchidee

                                              Thanks Gold. They say to me 'Is that you singing, or two cats fighting?' lol.

                                            • 2781

                                              I heard it said $200 a week!
                                              Two dogs and a cat, well fed.

                                              • orchidee

                                                Thanks 2.

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